重量训练对大脑和神经系统的改变 | 纽约时报精讲第687期




From Pull-Up to Brain: It’s Complex 从引体向上到大脑:非常复杂
  • pull-up: 引体向上
Weight training prompts changes in the nervous system before making muscles.
WHEN WE START to lift weights, our muscles do not strengthen and change at first, but our nervous systems do, according to a fascinating new study in animals of the cellular effects of resistance training. The study, which involved monkeys performing the equivalent of multiple one-armed pull-ups, suggests that strength training is more physiologically intricate than most of us might have imagined and that our conception of what constitutes strength might be too narrow.
  • resistance training: 抗阻训练
  • intricate: 复杂的、错综的
Those of us who join a gym — or, because of the current pandemic restrictions and concerns, take up body-weight training at home — may feel some initial disappointment when our muscles do not rapidly bulge with added bulk. In fact, certain people, including some women and most preadolescent children, add little obvious muscle mass, no matter how long they lift.
  • bulge: 膨胀、凸出
  • bulk: 重量
  • preadolescent: 青春期前的
  • muscle mass: 肌肉力量
But almost all those who start weight training soon become able to generate more muscular force, meaning they can push, pull and raise more weight than before, even though their muscles may not look any larger and stronger.


