名家推荐 | 90后旅美畫家李智优秀作品展


李智 出生於廣東省,旅美畫家。自幼受到藝術家母親的影響,酷愛繪畫,其抽象系列作品用西方現代繪畫的形式和色彩技巧,創造了色彩變幻、筆觸有力、富有韻律感和光感的新的繪畫空間,在創作過程中他強調“意象造型”,並將中國元素與西方現代油畫的繪畫技法相融合,這一點在其山水系列作品也得到了很好的體現。任憑你怎麼看,看山不是山,看山還是山。傳統的中國山水畫具有意象美,但畫家李治通過長期的探索和研修,最終掌握了以西方油畫材料來表現傳統水墨畫意韻的成熟技法,中西合璧。其作品格調清新,生活氣息濃厚。宋代是中國傳統山水畫的高峰時期,宋之山水畫,承前啟後,品質高雅精湛。李治吸收宋代山水畫的構圖大勢,筆墨法度嚴謹,意境清遠高曠等精髓,並運用當代油畫的肌理手法將中國山水畫的那種“氣韻生動”表現得淋漓盡致,這也使得畫家逐漸形成了自己獨特的繪畫語言。他的作品讓人感到“深山茂林絕涼處,奔流急湍鳴管弦”的深奧,達到了“空山鳥語息,人聽流水語”的藝術效果,使觀者在欣賞畫作的過程中,深深的感受到和諧靈動的大自然的美妙,也不知不覺置身于高雅的藝術殿堂。其作品深受國內外藝術機構、收藏家、書畫愛好者的一致好評和喜愛。

Li Zhi is a US-based painter who born in Guangdong province, China. Li was raised in a family of artists and influenced by his mother since an early age. Fascinated by oil paintings, his series of abstract landscapes applies artistic techniques of Western modern paintings to create a new artistic space that demonstrates the rhythm and light involved in various colors and strong brush strokes. Li’s works are fresh and lively as he continues to explore diverse knowledge in his artistic career, eventually adopting a skillful technique that conveys an impression of traditional Chinese landscape paintings in oil paint and abundant texture. Li emphasizes “imagery” during the process of his creative journey, conveying the impression of an old Chinese saying. Mountains are mountains and waters are waters. Mountains are not mountains and waters are not waters. The artistic tradition of Chinese painting contains a gracefulness of imagery, especially during the Song dynasty, which was the peak period of traditional Chinese landscape painting. Song dynasty landscape paintings inherited earlier traditions of Chinese paintings and prepared a new artistic platform for the future. Li adopted the composition and vigorous brushwork in landscape paintings of the Song dynasty and uses oil paints and abstract expression to create his own artistic language, thus showing the vividness of Chinese landscape paintings in a new form. His works resonate the feeling of "the deep forests and the cool places with the rushing sounds of the strings".His works are highly praised by art institutions, collectors, and painters at home and abroad."





Li Zhi:The pigments and art supplies are actually just the media of paintings. Brushstrokes are only the artistic language to convey and express ideas. When painting is so diverse in the contemporary world, why should I limit myself without knowing the possibilities and prospect of painting? When I paint the color I want on canvas, my heart follows where my brushes go and all the colors naturally mix together to gradually compose an image straight out of my head. The colors and textures establish the magnificent mountains, cabins and peaceful landscapes. When I combine different artistic techniques to paint my canvas, my wonderland is eventually able to be demonstrated to my viewers. In my world of painting, I can create anything. The air is fresh and the cloud is ethereal. The landscape is illusory. In this place, I have no limitation for my creation and imagination. It is a place where I could be free to express my concepts.

