雅思口语| Part1: Concentration专注

1 get more done with less time 事半功倍

While time management and efficiency are the core components in getting more done with less time,  learning how to sustain intense focus for prolonged periods is equally important.   时间管理和做事效率是事半功倍的核心。同时知道如何长时间保持专注也同样重要。

2 take a tremendous toll on our ability to focus 影响了我们的专注力

While modern technologies like smartphones and computers can be used for great good, they've also taken a tremendous toll on our ability to focus. 尽管现代科技比如手机和电脑能够带来极大好处,它们也影响了我们的专注力。

3 battle the fragmentation /ˌfræɡmenˈteɪʃn/ of attention 对抗注意力碎片化

I just wanna know how to battle the fragmentation of attention. 我想知道如何对抗注意力碎片化。

4 reclaim your focus 重拾注意力

I've got some steps to reclaim your focus. 我有一些方法帮你重拾注意力。

5 alluring  /əˈlʊərɪŋ/ 有诱惑力的

The constant notifications, updates from social media are too alluring无休止的通知,社交媒体的更新都太有诱惑力了。

6 disable notifications 屏蔽消息

I’ve disabled notifications and my apps run full screen by default.我屏蔽了消息,软件设置成了全屏模式。

7 rambunctious/ræmˈbʌŋkʃəs/roommates 吵闹的室友

I just can't put up with my rambunctious roommates. 我受不了我那吵闹的室友。

8 optimal work or study environment 最佳的工作或者学习环境

The optimal work or study environment will differ from person to person. 最佳的工作或者学习环境因人而异。

