
Susmita Sahoo博士是纽约西奈山伊坎医学院医学、心脏病学的助理教授。之前在印度孟买技术学院和芝加哥西北大学学习。她在心血管再生医学领域建立了一个新的研究领域,研究发现了细胞分泌的微型生物囊泡外泌体及其在心脏再生中的作用。主要研究论文如下,

  1. Agarwal, U., et al. (2016). "Experimental,Systems and Computational Approaches to Understanding the MicroRNA-MediatedReparative Potential of Cardiac Progenitor Cell-Derived Exosomes From PediatricPatients." Circ Res.

  2. Mathiyalagan, P., et al. (2017). "AngiogenicMechanisms of Human CD34+ Stem Cell Exosomes in the Repair of IschemicHindlimb." Circ Res.

  3. Sahoo, S. and D. W. Losordo (2014). "Exosomesand cardiac repair after myocardial infarction." Circ Res 114(2): 333-344.

  4. Sahoo, S. and C. Emanueli (2016). "Exosomes inDiabetic Cardiomyopathy: The Next-Generation Therapeutic Targets?"Diabetes 65(10): 2829-2831.

  5. Liang, Y. and S. Sahoo (2015). "ExosomesExplosion for Cardiac Resuscitation." J Am Coll Cardiol 66(6): 612-615.

  6. Mathiyalagan, P. and S. Sahoo (2017)."Exosomes-Based Gene Therapy for MicroRNA Delivery." Methods Mol Biol1521: 139-152.

  7. Sahoo, S., et al. (2017). "Pericardial FluidExosomes: A New Material to Treat Cardiovascular Disease." Mol Ther 25(3):568-569.

  8. Emanueli, C., et al. (2015). "Exosomes andexosomal miRNAs in cardiovascular protection and repair." VasculPharmacol.


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