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Intralipid Restoration of Myocardial Contractions Following Bupivacaine-Induced Asystole: Concentration- and Time-Dependence In Vitro.
方 法
观察500uM BPV诱发心脏骤停后1.2 HZ 刺激频率时,不同浓度LE处理下豚鼠心肌的收缩反应和收缩恢复情况。所有涉及LE的实验均采用持续60min的循环(2%-16%)处理模型或非循环(0.05%-12%)处理模型。本实验检测了单纯LE制剂(0.05%-12%)对心脏的影响,并通过检测羟苯甘氨酸水平评价LE恢复停博心脏代谢反应的作用,同时也检测了溶液和心肌组织中BPV的浓度.
结 果
持续60min LE循环(2%-16%)处理时,应用4%和8%以及12% 浓度的LE均能部分恢复停博豚鼠心脏的收缩力,而相同的心肌应用16%浓度LE能出现肌痉挛。在非循环(0.05%-12%)处理模型实验结果显示LE(0.05%-12%)并不影响停博心肌首次恢复心脏收缩和完全恢复心脏收缩的时间。此外,本研究结果显示LE(0.1%-8%)处理45min后能完全恢复停博心脏的初始收缩能力,低浓度(0.05%)和高浓度(12%)的LE处理均能部分恢复停博心脏的收缩能力;羟苯甘氨酸水平并未影响停博心脏收缩能力的恢复;单纯的12% LE处理能削弱心脏的收缩能力;LE循环(2%-16%)处理模型中LE呈剂量依赖性的减少了心肌组织中BPV的浓度。
结 论
LE呈时间依赖性和浓度依赖性的恢复BPV诱发的停博心脏收缩力。脂质的再摄取作用和LE其它的不清楚机制可能与其恢复停博心脏收缩功能有关,但似乎LE可能并不影响500uM BPV剂量诱发的停博心肌代谢。
Park W K, Kim H S, Kim S H, et al. Intralipid Restoration of Myocardial Contractions Following Bupivacaine-Induced Asystole: Concentration- and Time-Dependence In Vitro.[J]. Anesthesia and analgesia, 2017,125(1):91-100. DOI:10.1213/ANE.0000000000002124
BACKGROUND: The concentration- and time-response relationships of lipid emulsion (LE; Intralipid) on the recovery of myocardial contractility following bupivacaine (BPV)-induced asystole are poorly defined.
METHODS: After achieving asystole by 500-muM BPV, varied concentrations of LE were applied to determine the recovery of stimulated contractile responses and contractions in the cardiac tissues of guinea pigs at a 1.2-Hz stimulation rate. These experiments were performed with LE in either a recirculating (2%-16%) or washout (nonrecirculating) condition (0.05%-12%) for 60 minutes. The effect of LE itself (0.05%-12%) was examined. Oxfenicine was used to evaluate the metabolic action of LE to reverse asystole. BPV concentrations in solution and myocardial tissues were measured.
RESULTS: In the recirculation condition, partial recovery of contractile forces was observed for 60 minutes at 4%, 8%, and 12% LE. A contracture followed after exposure to 16% LE in some asystolic muscles. In the washout experiments, following asystole, LE (0.05%-12%) had no effect on the recovery time of the first and regular contractile responses. LE (0.1%-8%) restored contractility to baseline levels after 45 minutes; partial recovery was shown with lower (0.05%) and higher (12%) concentrations. Oxfenicine did not alter the recovery of contractile forces. Contractile depression was observed with 12% LE alone. Concentration-related reduction of tissue BPV concentration by LE was observed in both circulating conditions.
CONCLUSIONS: LE induced time- and concentration-dependent recovery of stimulated myocardial contractions from BPV-induced asystole. The lipid uptake effect, along with other undefined mechanisms of LE, seems to contribute to the recovery of contractile function; however, the LE effect on myocardial metabolism is less likely involved at this concentration (500 muM) of BPV.
