4. 地中海是个点金池 《忽然》连载
4. 地中海是个点金池
4. The Mediterranean as a Gold Pool
从旧石器时代我们就可以看出来,欧洲、西亚和非洲的原始文化围绕着一个 统一的地理板块:地中海,形成了一个连续而与统一的文化圈,直到文艺复兴, 人类最发达的文化实际上都没有离开过地中海,这里深厚的文化底蕴直达旧石器 时代。其周边的人们在不断地交流,不断产生出辉煌的文明。地中海就是个文明 的点金池!
Beginning from the Paleolithic Age, people inhabiting the Mediterranean formed a relatively same cultural circle and the zenith of civilization never left the place before the Renaissance. The Mediterranean used to be a “Gold Pool” in its true sense.
( 三 洲相拱 的地中 海 / The Sea is surround ed by 3 different continen ts )
2000 多年前的罗马帝国就是一个“地中海帝国”,这一版图实际上是从旧 石器时代继承下来的,所以它的质地也远比其他同期的帝国含金量要高,这里的 一系列文明精神体系至今还在全球使用和传播。
The Roman Empire established 2000 years ago was a “Mediterranean Empire”. The territory of it was practically a heritage of the Paleolithic Age. No human civilization would have survived without the Mediterranean Sea.
围绕地中海文明是一种陆包水形式 / Water was the key of the Civilization around the Mediterranean Sea.