


肖兆华:中国翻译协会专家会员、全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试CATTI英语阅卷组成员,长期从事外交工作,著名翻译家及翻译教育家,全国自主教育联盟专家顾问 。
(151) 把这个抄在你的笔记本上。
Copy this down in your notebook.
(152) 把它做在练习簿上,写在干净的一页上。
Do it in your exercise books and use a clean page.
(153) 把这个记录在你们的课本上。
Make a note of this in your textbook.
(154) 答案就在你们的课本里,自己找。
The answer is somewhere in your textbook. Try to find it out by yourself.
(155) 写在页边空白处。
Write it in the margin.
(156) 在新单词下面划线。
Underline the new words.
(157) 把这个记下来,以免忘记。
Write it down somewhere that you won’t forget it.
(158) 用红墨水重写一下。
Rewrite it in red ink.
(159) 不要用铅笔或圆珠笔写。
Don’t write with a pencil or a ball-point pen.
(160) 到家里把它整洁地写出来。
Write it out legibly at home.
(161) 请注意,你们写的字一定要保证能让我看清楚。
Attention please. Make sure I can read your handwriting.
(162) 你不能那样潦潦草草地写。
You should not scribble in that way.
(163) 玲玲,你的字迹很难辨认。
Your handwriting is illegible, Lingling.
(164) 玲玲,你的练习本的边角都卷起来了,而且有墨水污迹。
Lingling, your exercise book is dog-eared and has blots in it.

(165) 这里用细线体书写。
Write it in light face letters.
(166) 这里用粗体字母书写。
Write it in bold face letters.
(167) 这几个字用斜体字来写。
Write these words in italics.
(168) 好,现在布置回家书面作业。
Now, here are the exercises in writing for your homework.
(169) 英文字母表的第一个字母是A,最后一个是Z。
A is the first letter of the English alphabet and Z the last.
(170) 一行隔一行写,供老师批改用。
Write on every other line so as to have some space for the teacher to make corrections.
(171) 新起段落的首行必须缩格书写。
Indent the first line of a new paragraph.
(172) 请把那一行空掉。
Please leave that line blank.
(173) 每段开始要换行。
Start each paragraph on a new line.
(174) 句末要用句号,下一句开头的字母要大写。
Put a full-stop at the end of every sentence, and start the next sentence with a capital letter.
(175) 每一句的开头第一个字母和直接引语的第一个字母要大写。
The first letter of the first word of every sentence and every direct quotation must be capitalized.

◆ 一位清华妈妈的教育方法:如果孩子处在3~15岁,一定要看!