下图,1923年美童公学和国际礼拜堂,1924年黑石公寓落成,很巧吗?其实,都和美以美会有关,American Methodist Episcopal Mission,美国北方的卫理/宗/教/派/向海外/传/教的差会组织,曾向中国等国家派遣为数众多的传/教/士。
国际礼拜堂早期一任会董、银行家和地产商雷文(Frank J.Raven)的岳丈是薛承恩(Nathan Sites)就是美以美会的著名人物,1895年在福州去世,葬在当地。
学区房,此地离开美国学校新校址不远。最重要的是这里聚居着当时上海最有实力的犹太大富翁,如爱滋拉(新康洋行大班)和沙发两兄弟(爱滋拉的舅子,Arthur Sopher 和 Theodore Sopher )、尼西姆(上海犹太社团主席、西摩会堂总董Edward Nissim)等....,他们欢迎勃司东来这里扎根。
我们采用勃司东(白司东)而不是宋合理,是想涵盖此家族的三代人。宋合理(James Harry Blackstone,1879-1965年)是本文要说的勃司东家族第二代,宋合理这个名字动了一些脑筋的,从Harry(哈利)而来。
William Eugene Blackstone(1841-1936年),史学家都会称呼他为:Father of Zionism,犹太复国主义之父,他因在1891年和1916年的两次发起关于巴/勒/斯/坦/归/还/给犹太人请/愿/书/签/名而闻名。史称:Blackstone Memorial。
汾阳路20号曾是犹太复国主义者根据地。他们会将黑石公寓和Blackstone Memorial联系起来,鼓舞人心。
A Copy Of The Memorial
Presented To President Harrison March 5, 1891.
Published in the Chicago Tribune, not much came of the memorial, though 25 years later, his work inspired others to consider WEB the “Father of Zionism.”1891年到1916年,正好25年,这中间发生的一些事情,和黑石公寓有关。下图,本文的勃司东第一代,威廉·尤金·勃司东1891年在请/愿/书上签名。
William Eugene Blackstone was born in Adams County, New York, October 6, 1841. His family was of very modest means. The Blackstone’s were the first white settlers of Boston. 一个纽约的穷小子,但他家是去波士顿垦殖的白人先驱之一。
1866 he married Sarah Lee Smith settling in Chicago four years later. Achieving respectable financial success as a real estate developer, he deliberately chose to abandon business and devote himself to Godfor the rest of his long life.
宋合理的母亲Sarah Lee Smith,他外公的名气不比他父亲小,美国有一所大学由他外公的名字冠名,这所大学叫 Philander Smith College。
Philander Smith (November 23, 1809 – February 24, 1882) was an American real estate agent and philanthropist. Philander Smith College is his namesake.费兰德·史密斯是一位地产经纪人和慈善家。他外公家也是从纽约搬家去伊利诺伊州橡树园(Oak Park, Illinois)的早期居民。发财之后,宋合理的外公外、婆为去中国、印度和日本的美以美会传教士提供经费。外公、外婆看中的女婿也是这样接着干的。
Among the early settlers at Oak Park, Illinois, Smith and wife Adeline provided financial assistance to Methodist missions in India, China, and Japan.
1908年,老勃司东的太太因病去世,Sarah L. Smith的讣告如下:
From the Los Angeles Herald May 28, 1908:LONG BEACH, May 27.—After an illness of nearly a month, Mrs. Sarah Louise Blackstone, 63 years old, died suddenly last night at her home, 424 West Fourth street, of heart failure, brought on by a paroxysm of coughing, Mrs. Blackstone, whose husband W. E. Blackstone, survives her, was greatly interested in Christian work, and, with her mother, Mrs. Adeline M. Smith, established many missionary agencies in various parts of the world. One son. James H. Blackstone, is a missionary in China. Another son, Andrew Blackstone, lives in Chicago. The funeral services will be held in Pasadena, whence Mrs. Blackstone was brought here last July, and the body will be buried in the family lot at Oak Park, Ill.
From late 1909 to early 1914, WEB was stationed as the special representative of Biola and the Lyman and Milton Stewart World Evangelization Trust in China, posting generally in the cities of Nanking, Kuling and Shanghai.宋合理的父亲老勃司东作为“司徒基金的受托人(监管人)”【转引自(上海师范大学都市文化研究中心)蒋杰先生论文】常驻中国,奔波于南京、牯岭(庐山)和上海。这一干,干了20年。For the following two decades, WEB served as the trustee of the Stewart Evangelization Trust, determining how assets would best be invested for global Scripture translation and distribution, the establishment of local Bible training schools, and support of missionaries primarily to the unreached Asians, Muslims and Jews.
Lyman Stewart, founder of Biolaand the Union Oil Company.
好了,老勃司东在中国的事迹,放一张图(布/道/团/和/福/音/船),宋合理照抄作业即可。中间两个外国人是戴锐父子(R.A.Torrey, His Son)。
说了宋合理的父亲、母亲和外公、外婆,接着说一下他姐姐弗萝拉·勃司东(Flora Blackstone,1868–1892年),也和中国有一些关系。小姐姐24岁离开人世,她是Oberlin College的学生,那一年的六月,她就大学毕业了。去世后,该校设立了勃司东女士奖学金,这应该也是老勃司东的想法。
Miss Flora Blackstone, aged 24 years, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Blackstone, died on Tuesday at the Lakeside Hospital in Cleveland Ohio. She was a student at Oberlin College, and had she lived would have graduated in June.... 【来源:Oak Park Vindicator (Oak Park, IL), 18 Mar 1892, pg. 5】
注意蓝色字,Oberlin College,欧柏林学院,该学院曾在山西省太谷县设立分校:铭贤学院。合作方为孔祥熙,孔先生是欧柏林学院毕业生,毕业后再去哈佛。
最后来说宋合理儿子,他叫 James Harry Blackstone , Jr.小宋合理,也是牧师。
James Harry Blackstone , Jr.
Desert Sun, Palm Springs, California,
October 29, 1948 a Minister
She married James Harry Blackstone , Jr. , a minister , on 20 Dec 1932 in Hollywood , CA. James was born 11 Jan 1909 in Nanking , China , son of James Harry Blackstone and Barbara Treman , who were missionaries in China .小宋合理的家庭成员应该还有生活在加州帕萨迪纳。宋合理照片和中国事迹应该可以在其孙辈那里获得。如下是线索,徐汇文旅的同志可试着联系。
When Barbara Ellen Treman was born on 20 March 1885, in Mecklenburg, Hector, Schuyler, New York, United States, her father, Frank Walter Treman, was 30 and her mother, Emma Frances Allen, was 23. She married James Harry Blackstone about 1903. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 4 daughters. She lived in South Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States in 1930 and Pasadena Judicial Township, Los Angeles, California, United States in 1940. She died on 29 December 1948, in Los Angeles, California, United States, at the age of 63, and was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los Angeles, California, United States.
宋合理和太太Barbara Ellen Treman生有二个儿子和四个女儿(至少)。未查到宋合理岳丈、岳母的事迹。