

如果你曾在鼻塞的时候吃过饭,你就会知道嗅觉对味觉的影响有多强烈。但实际上,视觉也很重要,杯子颜色甚至也能“欺骗”你的味蕾。这个说法来自发表在《感官研究杂志》(Journal of Sensory Studies)上的一项研究。


Cup Color Tricks Taste Buds

If you've ever dined with a stuffy nose, you know that what you smell strongly influences what you taste. But what you see matters too. Even the color of a cup can trick your taste buds. That’s according to research in the Journal of Sensory Studies.

Researchers prepared store-bought hot chocolate, and served it in red, orange, white and cream-colored cups to 57 volunteers. The study subjects rated the sweetness, aroma, flavor and overall likeability of each cup of cocoa. Turns out hot chocolate in the orange cup was rated more likable and 'chocolaty' than the others...[full transcript]

