


1、表简单的预测(Simple prediction),如:

There will be snow in many areas tomorrow. 明天很多地方会下雪。


I'm meeting Jim at the airport. 我会到机场去接吉姆。

3、表计划和意图(Plans and intentions),如:

We're going to spend the summer abroad. 我们打算到国外过暑假。

4、表日程事件(Time-tabled events),如:

The plane takes off at 3 a.m. 飞机凌晨3点起飞。

5、表基于当前证据的推测(Prediction based on present evidence),如:

I think it's going to rain! 我想天要下雨了!(可能说话者看到天上乌云密布后作出了这样的推测)


We'll give you a lift to the cinema. 我开车送你到电影院。

7、表将来某个时间或时间段会正在发生的动作(An action in progress in the future),如:

This time next week I'll be sun-bathing. 下周这个时候我将会在晒日光浴了。

8、表日常行为或事件(An action or event that is a matter of routine),如:

You'll be seeing John in the office tomorrow, won't you? 你明天会在办公室见到约翰,是吗?


You are to travel directly to London. 你得直接去伦敦。

10、表说话后马上会发生的动作或事件(An action or event that will take place immediately or very soon),如:

The train is about to leave. 火车马上就要开了。

11、表将来完成(Projecting ourselves into the future and looking back at a completed action),如:

A month from now he will have finished all his exams. 一个月后,他将结束所有考试。

12、表将来完成进行(Expressing situations that will last for a specified period of time at a definite moment in the future),如:

He will have been making a model plane for two hours when you come to see him at 10 tomorrow morning. 明天上午十点你来看他时,他会已经做了两个小时的模型飞机了。




  • 一般将来时(Simple future tense):如上面的第1条和第6条

  • 将来进行时(Future continuous tense):如上面的第7条和第8条

  • 将来完成时(Future perfect tense):如上面的第11条

  • 将来完成进行时(Future perfect continuous tense):如上面的第12条


  • 现在进行时(Present continuous tense):如上面的第2条

  • 一般现在时(Simple present tense):上面的第4条


  • be going to do:如上面的第3条和第5条

  • be to do:如上面的第9条

  • be about to do:如上面的第10条



1、would do(will do的过去时)

  • He thought he would buy  a house like this the next day. 他想着自己明天也要买一栋这样的房子。

  • She said she would come to visit me next week. 她说她下周要来看我。

2、was/were going to do(am/is/are going to do的过去时)

John was going to drive and Mary was going to follow on her bicycle. 约翰打算开车,玛丽打算骑自行车跟着。

It was Friday today. We were going to set off the next day. 今天是星期五,我们打算第二天出发。

3、was/were doing(过去进行时)

It was September. Mary was starting school the next week. 已是九月份了。玛丽下周就要上学了。

We were very busy. The shop was opening in two weeks time. 我们很忙。两周后店就要开张了。


  • 过去将来进行时,如:She said she would be reading books in the library when I came to visit him tomorrow afternoon. 她说当我明天下午去看她时,她会在图书馆看书。

  • 过去将来完成时,如:It was reported that they would have completed the work on the new bridge by next Friday. 据报道,到下星期五,他们将建好那座新桥。

  • 过去将来完成进行时,如:He told me that he would have been learning English for ten years by the end of next month. 他告诉我,到下个月末,他将已经学了十年的英语了。



