政观快递 | American Journal of Political Science Vol.63, No.04, 2019
期刊简介:《美国政治学杂志》(American Journal of Political Science, AJPS)致力于在公民身份、治理和政治等知识领域取得重大进展。作为中西部政治科学协会的官方期刊,AJPS发表所有政治学领域的相关研究,包括美国政治、公共政策、国际关系、比较政治学、政治学方法论和政治学理论等。根据2018年Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为4.354,在176种政治科学类期刊中排名第2(2/176)。
Is Temperature Exogenous? The Impact of Civil Conflict on the Instrumental Climate Record in Sub‐Saharan Africa
Alien Citizens and the Canonical Immigrant: Do Stigmatized Attributes Affect Latina/o Judgment about Discrimination?
Do Inheritance Customs Affect Political and Social Inequality?
4. 共和主义式自由、大众控制和集体行动
Republican Freedom, Popular Control, and Collective Action
Ideology Justifies Morality: Political Beliefs Predict Moral Foundations
Tuning In, Not Turning Out: Evaluating the Impact of Ethnic Television on Political Participation
7. 掌握正确事实如何强化政党支持者主导的推理
How Getting the Facts Right Can Fuel Partisan-Motivated Reasoning
8. 维和人员与暴力犯罪:维和行动的意外影响
Peacekeepers against Criminal Violence—Unintended Effects of Peacekeeping Operations?
Poverty and Divine Rewards: The Electoral Advantage of Islamist Political Parties
Discursive Exit
Do Voters Polarize When Radical Parties Enter Parliament?
The Party's Primary Preferences: Race, Gender, and Party Support of Congressional Primary Candidates
Ballot Reform as Suffrage Restriction: Evidence from Brazil's Second Republic
Loss Aversion in Politics
Committed or Conditional Democrats? Opposition Dynamics in Electoral Autocracies
题目:Is Temperature Exogenous? The Impact of Civil Conflict on the Instrumental Climate Record in Sub‐Saharan Africa
作者:Kenneth A. Schultz,斯坦福大学政治学系教授;Justin S. Mankin,达特茅斯学院地理系助理教授
Research into the effects of climate on political and economic outcomes assumes that short‐term variation in weather is exogenous to the phenomena being studied. However, weather data are derived from stations operated by national governments, whose political capacity and stability affect the quality and continuity of coverage. We show that civil conflict risk in sub‐Saharan Africa is negatively correlated with the number and density of weather stations contributing to a country's temperature record. This effect is both cross‐sectional—countries with higher average conflict risk tend to have poorer coverage—and cross‐temporal—civil conflict leads to loss of weather stations. Poor coverage induces a small downward bias in one widely used temperature data set, due to its interpolation method, and increases measurement error, potentially attenuating estimates of the temperature–conflict relationship. Combining multiple observational data sets to reduce measurement error almost doubles the estimated effect of temperature anomalies on civil conflict risk.
题目:Alien Citizens and the Canonical Immigrant: Do Stigmatized Attributes Affect Latina/o Judgment about Discrimination?
作者:Bradford Jones,加州大学戴维斯分校社会科学系教授;Kristina Flores Victor,加州州立大学萨克拉门托分校助理教授;David Vannette,斯坦福大学传播学博士,脸书公司研究科学家
Negative elite and news media attention to Latino‐relevant issues, particularly undocumented immigration, has dramatically increased in recent years, potentially stigmatizing attributes of Latinos such as immigration status and language use. Concomitantly, immigration policy changes were leading to widespread arrests and deportation of many Latinos. Herein, we ask two questions: First, to what extent do Latinos perceive and experience discrimination? Second, to what extent do immigration status, generational status, and language use moderate beliefs about discrimination? Using Pew National Survey of Latinos data, we find that Latino beliefs about the problem of discrimination is a decreasing function of “proximity” to the “canonical immigrant”—defined here as first‐generation immigrants who are Spanish‐language dominant. Further, we demonstrate that reported rates of victimization due to discrimination exhibit no clear pattern and are flat over time. We conclude by demonstrating that discrimination beliefs have significant implications for systemic trust, anxiety, and policy preferences.
题目:Do Inheritance Customs Affect Political and Social Inequality?
作者:Anselm Hager,柏林洪堡大学社会科学学院国际政治专业助理教授。Hanno Hilbig,哈佛大学政府系博士生,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院不平等与财富中心James M.与Cathleen D. Stone研究员
Why are some societies more unequal than others? The French revolutionaries believed unequal inheritances among siblings to be responsible for the strict hierarchies of the ancient régime. To achieve equality, the revolutionaries therefore enforced equal inheritance rights. Their goal was to empower women and to disenfranchise the noble class. But do equal inheritances succeed in leveling the societal playing field? We study Germany—a country with pronounced local‐level variation in inheritance customs—and find that municipalities that historically equally apportioned wealth, to this day, elect more women into political councils and have fewer aristocrats in the social elite. Using historic data, we point to two mechanisms: wealth equality and pro‐egalitarian preferences. In a final step, we also show that, counterintuitively, equitable inheritance customs positively predict income inequality. We interpret this finding to mean that equitable inheritances level the playing field by rewarding talent, not status.
题目:Ideology Justifies Morality: Political Beliefs Predict Moral Foundations
作者: Peter K. Hatemi,宾夕法尼亚州立大学政治学系特聘教授、微生物学与生物化学教授;Charles Crabtree,维吉尼亚大学法学院讲师;Kevin Smith,内布拉斯加大学政治学系Leland J. 与 Dorothy H. 讲席教授、系主任
摘要:道德基础理论( Moral Foundations Theory ,MTF)被用作对意识形态的因果解释,该理论认为政治态度是道德直觉的产物。然而,先前的理论提出了相反的因果解释路径,即道德判断为政治信念所驱动。但是这两种现存的研究都只是假设性的,而不是明确地检验其因果关系。所以,是道德直觉驱动了政治信念,抑或是政治信念驱动了道德直觉?通过两个小组研究数据和一个全国性代表研究数据,我们实证地解决了这个问题,并且找到了意识形态预测道德直觉的一致证据。这项发现对于MFT作为一种意识形态理论有着重大意义,并且也对政治信念形塑个人如何合理化对错的结果有重大意义。
Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) is employed as a causal explanation of ideology that posits political attitudes are products of moral intuitions. Prior theoretical models, however, suggest the opposite causal path, that is, that moral judgments are driven by political beliefs. In both instances, however, extant research has assumed rather than explicitly tested for causality. So do moral intuitions drive political beliefs or do political beliefs drive moral intuitions? We empirically address this question using data from two panel studies and one nationally representative study, and find consistent evidence supporting the hypothesis that ideology predicts moral intuitions. The findings have significant implications for MFT as a theory of ideology, and also about the consequences of political beliefs for shaping how individuals rationalize what is right and what is wrong.
题目:Republican Freedom, Popular Control, and Collective Action
作者:Sean Ingham,加州大学圣迭戈分校政治学系助理教授;Frank Lovett,华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校政治学系教授,法律研究主任
Republicans hold that people are dominated merely in virtue of others’ having unconstrained abilities to frustrate their choices. They argue further that public officials may dominate citizens unless subject to popular control. Critics identify a dilemma. To maintain the possibility of popular control, republicans must attribute to the people an ability to control public officials merely in virtue of the possibility that they might coordinate their actions. But if the possibility of coordination suffices for attributing abilities to groups, then, even in the best case, countless groups will be dominating because it will be possible for their members to coordinate their actions with the aim of frustrating others’ choices. We argue the dilemma is apparent only. To make our argument, we present a novel interpretation of the republican concept of domination with the help of a game-theoretic model that clarifies the significance of collective action problems for republican theory.
题目:Tuning In, Not Turning Out: Evaluating the Impact of Ethnic Television on Political Participation
作者:Yamil Ricardo Velez,哥伦比亚大学政治学系助理教授; Benjamin J. Newman,加州大学河滨分校政治学系副教授
Despite the importance of ethnic television within immigrant communities, its effects on political participation are unclear. On the one hand, ethnic media can mobilize and inform voters. On the other hand, it can serve as a source of diversion and reduce the desire to participate. To evaluate these competing possibilities, we implement a geographic regression discontinuity (GRD) approach involving Federal Communication Commission reception boundaries for Spanish-language television stations in two states. Additionally, we replicate and unpack our GRD analyses using three nationally representative samples of Latinos. Across multiple studies, we find that access to Spanish-language television is associated with decreases in turnout, ethnic civic participation, and political knowledge. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings on the ethnic politics, political communication, and social capital literatures.
题目:How Getting the Facts Right Can Fuel Partisan-Motivated Reasoning
作者:Martin Bisgaard,奥胡斯大学政治学系助理教授
Scholars often evaluate citizens’ democratic competence by focusing on their ability to get relevant facts right. In this article, I show why this approach can yield misleading conclusions about citizen competence. I argue that although citizens with strong partisan loyalties might be forced to accept the same facts, they find alternative ways to rationalize reality. One such way, I show, is through the selective attribution of credit and blame. With four randomized experiments, conducted in diverse national settings and containing closed-as well as open- ended questions, I find that as partisans correctly updated economic beliefs to reflect new facts, they conversely attributed responsibility in a highly selective fashion. Although partisans might acknowledge the same facts, they are apt in seizing on and producing attributional arguments that fit their preferred worldviews.
题目:Peacekeepers against Criminal Violence—Unintended Effects of Peacekeeping Operations?
作者:Jessica Di Salvatore,华威大学政治学与国际研究系助理教授。
Research shows that peacekeepers reduce conflict intensity; however, effects of deployment on nonpolitical violence are unknown. This article focuses on criminal violence and proposes a twofold mechanism to explain why peacekeeping missions, even when effectively reducing conflict, can inadvertently increase criminal violence. First, less conflict opens up economic opportunities (so-called peacekeeping economies) and provides operational security for organized crime, thus increasing violent competition among criminal groups. Second, demobilized combatants are vulnerable to turn to crime because of limited legal livelihood opportunities and their training in warfare. While UN troops may exacerbate these dynamics, UN police’s peculiar role is likely to successfully contain criminal violence. Cross-national and subnational empirical analyses show that large UN military deployments result in higher homicide rates, whereas UN police, overall, moderate this collateral effect.
题目:Poverty and Divine Rewards: The Electoral Advantage of Islamist Political Parties
作者:Sharan Grewal,布鲁金斯学会博士后研究员;Amaney A. Jamal,普林斯顿大学政治学系教授;Tarek Masoud,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院教授;Elizabeth R. Nugent,耶鲁大学政治学系助理教授
Political life in many Muslim-majority countries has been marked by the electoral dominance of Islamist parties. Recent attempts to explain why have highlighted their material and organizational factors, such as the provision of social services. In this article, we revive an older literature that emphasizes the appeal of these parties’ religious nature to voters experiencing economic hardship. Individuals suffering economic strain may vote for Islamists because they believe this to be an intrinsically virtuous act that will be met with divine rewards in the afterlife. We explore this hypothesis through a series of laboratory experiments in Tunisia. Individuals assigned to treatment conditions instilling feelings of economic strain exhibit greater support for Islamist parties, and this support is causally mediated by an expectation of divine compensation in the hereafter. The evidence suggests that the religious nature of Islamist parties may thus be an important factor in their electoral success.
题目: Discursive Exit
作者: Laura Montanaro,埃塞克斯大学政府系讲师
Some women did not participate in the Women's March, rejecting its claims of unity and solidarity because white women mobilize only in their self‐interest. This is a form of exit with three features: (1) rejecting a political claim; (2) providing reasons to the power wielder and the broader public; and (3) demanding accountability both as sanction and as deliberation, which requires a discussion about the claim—in this case, the meaning of the group and the terms on which it understands itself. This combination of exit, voice, and deliberative accountability might accurately be called “discursive exit.” Discursive exit addresses conceptual and normative limitations of standard accounts of exit, voice, and loyalty, in particular, when exit and voice are imperfect—because exit can be seen as disapproval of an entire cause—and morally problematic—because voice “from within” implies that cause trumps disagreement, leaving people morally complicit in an unwelcome exercise of power.
题目:Do Voters Polarize When Radical Parties Enter Parliament?
作者:Daniel Bischof,苏黎世大学政治学系高级研究员;Markus Wagner,维也纳大学政府系教授
Do voters polarize ideologically when radical views gain political legitimacy, or does the rise of radical voices merely reflect societal conflict? We argue that elite polarization as signaled by radical parties' first entrance into parliament leads to voter divergence. Immediately after the election, legitimization and backlash effects mean that voters on both ideological sides move toward the extremes. In the longer term, this polarization is solidified because of radical parties' parliamentary presence. A panel study of Dutch voters shows that the 2002 parliamentary entrance of a radical‐right party indeed led to immediate ideological polarization across the political spectrum. Estimating time‐series cross‐sectional models on Eurobarometer data from 17 countries (1973–2016) shows an additional long‐term impact of radical‐right party entry on polarization. The presence of radical voices on the right has polarizing effects, illustrating how such institutional recognition and legitimization can have a far‐reaching impact on society.
题目:The Party's Primary Preferences: Race, Gender, and Party Support of Congressional Primary Candidates
作者:Hans J.G. Hassell,佛罗里达州立大学政治学系助理教授; Neil Visalvanich,杜伦大学政府与国际事务学院助理教授
Party support has a strong influence on candidate success in the primary. What remains unexplored is whether party actions during the primary are biased along racial and gender lines. Using candidate demographic data at the congressional level and measures of party support for primary candidates, we test whether parties discriminate against women and minority candidates in congressional primaries and also whether parties are strategic in their support of minority candidates in certain primaries. Our findings show parties are not biased against minority candidates and also that white women candidates receive more support from the Democratic Party than do other types of candidates. Our findings also suggest that parties do not appear to strategically support minority candidates in districts with larger populations of minorities. Lastly, we also find no significant differences in the effects of party support on the likelihood of success in the primary by candidate race or gender.
题目:Ballot Reform as Suffrage Restriction: Evidence from Brazil's Second Republic
作者:Daniel Gingerich,弗吉尼亚大学政治学系副教授
Few innovations in democratic institutional design are considered as fundamental as the introduction of voting through the use of a uniform, official, and secret ballot. One account claims that the official ballot liberates dependent voters from the dictates of local elites, thereby enhancing democratic competition. Another argues that in contexts of widespread illiteracy, its adoption may be tantamount to a suffrage restriction. This article adjudicates between these views by drawing upon an original data set of municipal‐level voting returns from Brazil's Second Republic (1945–1964). The unique staggered rollout of the official ballot during this period permits one to assess its impact with unprecedented accuracy. The article finds that the primary consequence of ballot reform was suffrage restriction. Rather than liberating poor and dependent voters, the official ballot made it exceedingly difficult for these individuals to vote. Moreover, parliamentary debates indicate that this was an anticipated and intended effect of the reform.
题目:Loss Aversion in Politics
作者:Alberto Alesina,哈佛大学Nathaniel Ropes政治经济学教授
Francesco Passarelli,都灵大学经济学教授
We study loss aversion in elections by investigating a median voter model (full convergence in a two-candidate election) and a model of partial divergence of policy proposals. First, we show a status quo bias, an endowment effect, and a moderating effect of policies. Second, we show the occurrence of “long-term cycles” in policies with self-supporting movements to the right or the left. Finally, we prove that younger societies should be more prone to change and less affected by the status quo bias than older ones.
题目:Committed or Conditional Democrats? Opposition Dynamics in Electoral Autocracies
作者:Jennifer Gandhi,埃默里大学政治学系副教授; Elvin Ong,卑诗大学东南亚研究中心博士后
In electoral autocracies, opposition coalition formation offers the best hope of getting to democracy. Yet forming electoral coalitions also entails convincing opposition voters to ignore compromises and engage in the cross‐party voting necessary for opposition victory. To what extent are voters committed to defeating the autocratic incumbent even if it would result in dislikable outcomes? A survey experiment in Malaysia finds that opposition voters overwhelmingly express pretreatment support for the opposition coalition. But when exposed to a treatment vignette about which member party might lead the next government, many voters retract their support. Specifically, voters’ support for the coalition declines when their least preferred member is expected to control the government and when they can vote for a closer ideological alternative outside of the coalition. Although voters are committed to opposition unity and democratic transition, that commitment is sensitive to the anticipated consequences of an opposition victory.