14 Principles: Ways We work

The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.  we will profile each behavior and why it is important to building a lasting continuous improvement culture.

1. Set High Expectations - An organization that sets high expectations at every level has a healthy level of productive tension in the system at all times to instigate continuous improvement and drive sustainable, breakthrough results.

2.  Standardize the Work - A standard is a rule or example that provides clear expectations.  Continuous improvement methods depend on identifying, setting, and improving standards.  Without an initial standard, how can you measure the effectiveness of the improvements you make to achieve the standard?

3. Leaders Teach - It’s all about learning.  What we are doing is trying to teach you to teach others thus transferring a skill.  You learn something new each time you teach and your objective is to help your organization be able to solve problems. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

4. Stop and Fix - Don't accept a defect. Don't make a defect.  Don't pass a defect.  If you have a problem, it's better to stop and take care of it. Correct it, prevent its recurrence, and make things better in the long run.   The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

5. Kaizen Mindset - Recognize that every company has problems and establish a culture where everyone can freely admit these problems and suggest improvement. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

6. Visualize Problems - Design and organize your processes and workplace so that potential problems become immediately visible.   The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

7. Mind vs. Wallet - Do not let perfect get in the way of better...use your creativity to try-storm simple, low-cost solutions in your business. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

8. Eliminate Waste - In order to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability, focus relentlessly on eliminating all steps that add no value from your customer’s perspective. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

9. Go See Yourself - Successful leaders recognize the importance of the idea that in order to really understand a process, you have to go to the spot where the work is being done. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

10. Create Pull - Pull systems seek to reduce the most impactful waste of all overproduction, by linking the work and demands for capacity to the needs of the internal/external customer. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

11. Respect Others - We have an obligation to treat all people equally, fairly, and impartially. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

12. Develop People - Our job as leaders is to teach, reinforce the culture, and create practitioners of the business system. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

13. Continuous Flow - Aspirationally thinking, you cannot have a waste-free process without continuous flow, as it is the truly ideal process state. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

14. Level the Work - By producing every product during every relevant time-frame, lead time is reduced and the business is closer to meeting “real” demand. The foundation for building high performing organizations relies on 14 principles or "ways of working".  These are the cultural behaviors that will drive a continuous improvement mindset to support our 3D Growth System, SQDC Lean System, and Leadership Systems.

图片来自Lean Focus,在此致敬!


公众号: heijunka




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