Toyota ‘s 4 step OJD (On the Job Development)
In Toyota 's 4 step OJD (On the Job Development) course requires leadership to “grasp the situation” of each person to identify suitable work for the scope/level and work “with” them to solve a problem using TBP. It encourages leadership to “study harder” and the trainee to grow to share their wisdom (PDCA learning cycle). But we must start w the right work, and seeing it through and measure their ability to demonstrate knowledge.
中国机械学会认证工业工程师,米其林轮胎认证“工业工程师”,艾默生电气认证 “Lean Champion”,亚马逊认证六西格玛黑带(ASAT),上海精益六西格玛委员会专家委员,前亚马逊物流中国ACES 项目经理,拥有超过多年的卓越运营机制建设及企业绩效提升实战经验。在价值管理、流程设计与优化、精益六西格玛转型、精益供应链、精益仓储物流,精益服务业,压缩交付周期、减少库存、提高生产效率等方面有丰富的实战经验。
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