

If you permit me, I would like to talk, this evening, about the meaning and the nature of meditation.


To go into it rather deeply, one must not only use reason and see the limits of reason, but also one must have passion.


For most of us passion is a thing that is derived or aroused; and we do not know passion without a motive, which is not aroused.


For most of us, with our daily activities, with our innumerable responsibilities and commitments, much of our energy is absorbed, taken away, experiences, wrangles, miseries, conflicts and sorrows.


We have very little energy to take us very deeply into anything; we are satisfied merely to skip on the surface of things and be satisfied with a few phrases, limited experiences and certain beliefs.


But really to go into something that demands our complete attention and our total energy, requires reason, as a beginning.


We would rather avoid not only that word, but the implication of that word.


We think it is not quite spiritual - if I may use that word `spiritual' - when we bring reason into it; we would rather be vague, sentimental, emotional, devotional, believing, living in a hypnotic state, and from there imagine, or have, some formula about God and all the rest of it.


So we try to avoid reason.


We are using the word `reason', not in a philosophical sense with all its implications; we are giving to that word the simple meaning of great honesty in thought, sanity, a sense of clear insight, perception, where there is no deception or self-delusion.


Without reason as a beginning, you cannot go very far.


Because, without reason, you are inevitably led to all forms of delusions, misconceptions, fears and all the rest of it.


To understand the nature and the meaning of meditation, it is absolutely necessary to reason step by step, so that your mind is sharpened, your brains are clear, without any distortion, without any pressure.


It does not demand any belief, any system; but it requires a brain that is sensitive, sharpened, clear, that can go step by step, not illogically, not jumping, but with rationality, with sanity.


Without reason, passion becomes merely lustful, pleasurable.


Passion which is aroused, which has a motive, becomes pleasure; and pleasure breeds pain, anxiety, fear.


We are talking of a passion that is not aroused, that has no cause.


Because such passion implies the fire of complete attention, complete giving oneself over to something logically, sanely, reasonably, in which there is no commitment, no belief, no dogma.


Without that passion one cannot go very far.


If you see a beautiful sunset on a lovely evening, if there is not that complete attention, that passion, when you look at it, it becomes merely another evening without much significance.


If you look at the branch of a tree in sunlight just as the sun is setting, and if you are not capable of feeling tremendously, the beauty, the extraordinary quality - not aroused by the branch, by the sunlight, but because you are in that state of passion - then every event, every incident, every scene, every experience becomes merely another routine, without much meaning, without much significance.


And if we do not understand the meaning and the nature of meditation which is astonishingly important in life, we shall miss not only the depth, but the beauty and the truth of life.


Talk 6, Bombay, 26 February 1964


