Ankle fracture is one of the most common fractures in traumatic orthopedics. The introduction of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), optimizing perioperative protocols all sidedly, can further improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment. To improve the application of ERAS clinical pathway in ankle fracture treatment, based on preliminary experience and evidence-based medicine, we complied this expert consensus after repetitive discussion. This consensus contained 25 recommendations, including comprehensive introductions of emergency management, preoperative preparation, intraoperative treatment and postoperative recovery. It is applicable to all adult fresh ankle fracture patients undergoing selective operations.
【Key words】Enhanced Recovery After Surgery; Ankle Fracture; Expert Consensus; Perioperative Management

17.2 下胫腓损伤的处理

【引用本文】李庭, 孙志坚, 柴益民, 等. ERAS理念下踝关节骨折诊疗方案优化的专家共识. 中华骨与关节外科杂志, 2019, 12(1): 3-12.