
氮是作物生长和产量必不可少的大量营养素,但氮肥的过量施用已造成严重的环境污染,大大增加了农业生产成本。解决这一难题的有效和经济的方法之一是提高农作物的氮素利用效率(NUE)。尽管已经确定了调控NUE的某些成分,但潜在的分子机制在水稻中仍然难以捉摸。我们报道在硝酸盐充足的条件下,OsNLP3(Rice NIN-LIKE PROTEIN 3)是NUE和谷物产量的重要调控因子。


Nitrogen (N) is an essential macronutrient for crop growth and yield, but excessive application of N fertilizer has caused serious environmental pollution and greatly increased the cost of agricultural production. One of the effective and economical solutions to this dilemma is to improve the N use efficiency (NUE) of crops. Although some components involved in regulating NUE have been identified, the underlying molecular mechanism remains largely elusive in rice. Here we report that the OsNLP3 (NIN-like protein 3) is an important regulator in NUE and grain yield under nitrate-sufficient conditions. Both NUE and grain yield were significantly improved by enhanced OsNLP3 expression in the field, but reduced in osnlp3 mutants. The expression of OsNLP3 responds to both nitrate and ammonium, while OsNLP3 nuclear retention is only induced by nitrate, not by ammonium. OsNLP3 regulates the expression of a set of genes involved in N transport and assimilation by directly binding to the nitrate-responsive cis-element in the promoters of these genes. Our study demonstrates that OsNLP3 is significant for the regulation of NUE and grain yield, particularly in nitrate-rich conditions, thus providing a candidate for improving NUE and grain yield in rice.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.19.432039




