张和平等:一文读懂益生菌发酵乳(综述) | 热心肠日报



01-30, Article

Abstract & Authors:

Background: Over the recent past, consumption of probiotic fermented milks has been accruing due to its health claims. These health claims are not limited to gastrointestinal health, but it also improves immunity and, most recently, cognitive growth. Recent scientific advances have unraveled their positive impact on mood improvement, vaginal health, and metabolic homeostasis. A raft of in vivo studies has claimed their ameliorative, curative and prophylactic potential against noxious disorders in humans.
Scope and approach: This review shall succinctly summarize the in vivo studies conducted since 2015 to seek the impact of solely probiotic fermented milks (instead of probiotics alone) to prevent and mitigate various pathophysiological insults and cognitive impairments. This review article may promote commercially feasible applications of probiotic fermented milks as a natural remedy to various ailments.
Key findings and conclusions: Notwithstanding the limited contradictory results of probiotic fermented milks, it was unraveled through studies that overall probiotic fermented milks had promising prophylactic and ameliorative impact on various pathophysiological disorders. However, more well-designed studies on larger group should be conducted to substantiate their application.

First Authors:
Hafiz Arbab Sakandar

Correspondence Authors:
Hafiz Arbab Sakandar,Heping Zhang

All Authors:
Hafiz Arbab Sakandar,Heping Zhang



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