

Open-book injuries 

Provided the anterior gap is less than 2 cm and it is certain that there are no displaced posterior disruptions, these injuries can usually be treated satisfactorily by bed rest; a posterior sling or a pelvic binder helps to ‘close the book’.

The most efficient way of maintaining reduction is by external fixation with pins in both iliac blades connected by an anterior bar; ‘closing the book’ may also reduce the amount of bleeding. Placing the pins is made easier if two temporary pins are first inserted hugging the medial and lateral surfaces of each iliac blade and then directing the fixing pins between them. Internal fixation by attaching a plate across the symphysis should be performed: (1) during the first few days after injury only if the patient needs a laparotomy; and (2) later on if the gap cannot be closed by less radical methods.

Fractures of the iliac blade can often be treated with bed rest. However, if displacement is marked, or if there is an associated anterior ring fracture or symphysis separation, then open reduction and internal fixation with plates and screws will need to be considered (e.g. in displaced LC-II injuries causing a leg length discrepancy greater than 1.5 cm). It is also possible to reduce and hold some of these fractures by external fixation.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


Provided /prəˈvaɪdɪd/conj. 假如,倘若v. 提供,给予(provide 的过去式和过去分词)

iliac blades 髂骨翼

laparotomy /ˌlæpəˈrɑːtəmi/n. 剖腹手术

radical/ˈrædɪkl/n. 基础;激进分子;[物化] 原子团;[数] 根数adj. 激进的;根本的;彻底的





髂骨刀片骨折通常可用卧床休息来治疗。然而,如果移位明显,或有相关的前环骨折或联合分离,则需要考虑切开复位和钢板和螺钉内固定(例如,在造成腿部长度差异大于1.5 cm的LC-II损伤中)。也可以通过外固定架来减少和固定这些骨折。

