Sun Shan was a popular person in Song Dynasty. Everybody liked him very much because he was not only knowledgeable but also humorous.One day, Sun Shan went to take the imperial exam with a fellow villager’s son. Finally, Sun Shan passed the exam. So he returned to his hometown happily.After Sun Shan returned home, the fellow villager asked him whether his son had also passed.Sun Shan said: “Sun Shan was the last on the list. And your son came after Sun Shan.”宋朝时候,有个名叫孙山的才子,人聪明也很诙谐,别人都称他是“滑稽才子”。有一次,他和同乡的儿子一同去赶考。考试完毕,等到张榜公布的那一天,孙山紧张地站在那儿仔细地寻找自己的名字,终于在最后看到了自己的大名,他喜出望外的大声嚷嚷:“我中啦!我中啦!”然后,连夜赶回家里报喜讯。那位同乡见孙山回来,而他的儿子却没有一同回家,便赶到孙山家里来问情况。同乡人问:“我儿子考中了吗?”孙山幽默地回答道:“解名尽处是孙山,贤郎更在孙山外。”