

Box indicates Chang'e 5 lander on the basaltic plains of Oceanus Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms") on 02 December 2020 09:54 EST (14:53:55 UTC). The lander is the bright spot in the center of the outline. Outline is 1210 meters wide; north is up. LROC NAC M1361560086R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

大意为:方框所指示区域为2020年12月2日美东时间 0954 时拍摄的(世界协调时 14:53:55)嫦娥五号风暴海洋地区着陆。整个拍摄区域区域大小为 1210 米宽,图像编号 LROC NAC M13615600086R(美国航天总署、全球空间科学基金会和亚利桑那州立大学发布)

China's Chang'e 5 sample return spacecraft made a safe touchdown on the lunar surface at 10:11 EST (15:11 UTC) 01 December 2020. LRO passed over the site the following day and acquired an off-nadir (13° slew) image showing the lander centered within  a triangle of craters.

The LROC team computed the coordinates of the lander to be 43.0576° N, 308.0839°E, –2570 m elevation, with an estimated accuracy of plus-or-minus 20 meters.

大意为:嫦娥五号采样返回器于美东时间 2020 年 12 月 1 日 1011 时(世界协调时 1511 时)在月球成功着陆。在着陆后的第二天,LRO(月球勘探轨道器)飞跃了着陆区并获得了一张偏角为 13°的图像,可以看到着陆器位于一个有陨石坑组成的三角形区域内。

LROC(LRO上的相机)小组计算出了着陆区坐标位于 北纬 43.0576°,东经 308.0839°,月面高度为 -2570 米。精度误差正负 20 米。


LROC Wide Angle Camera context mosaic; Chang'e 5 landed in the center of the white box. The "channel" winding across the upper right (rille) was formed by an eruption of basaltic lava more than a billion years ago. The bright area to the south is a massif of older terrain protruding through the mare basalts. North is up, entire image is 61 kilometers wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

大意:由 LROC 的广角相机图像组合得到的着陆区广域地标图:嫦娥五号位于中央白色方框内。周围有大量的“通道”是十亿年前玄武岩物质熔岩形成的。南部高亮地区为一个古老的玄武岩地表凸出的物质。整个图像宽度为 61 公里。

The local geology consists of a broad, flat mare basalt unit. Similar to flood basalts on the Earth, this deposit was the result of a massive outpouring of very fluid, basaltic lavas. In the lunar case, this massive eruption occurred somewhere between one and two billion years ago. Chang'e 5 is now in the process of returning a small sample of this volcanic unit to Earth so that scientists can precisely determine its age and its chemistry.



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