阿斯汤加瑜伽前辈David Swenson的金句句句受益,值得分享

About Yoga 关于瑜伽
* This mat should be the place we come to free ourselves from all the stresses of the world. Don’t make it another place to be stress to you.
* The mat is like a loving mother; The practice is a loving place.
* If you enjoy your practice today, you will want to practice tomorrow. No one has to tell you.
* Keep it simple. It’s only yoga. Don’t make it too complicated.

About Asana 关于体位法
* Let the practice do its work. Don’t become obsessed with one asana.
* There is a big picture; a lot of other asanas will help you with this one asana.
* Everyone will find asanas that for them are easier and asanas that are harder. Treat them all with an equal mind.

About Time 关于时间
* The best time of the practice is the time of the day that you can practice.
* You find your life style and think about how to fit the yoga into your day.

About Food 关于饮食
* If you really practice ashtanga yoga, you have to eat, you need fuel for your body, but everyone will find different fuel.
假如你练习的的确是阿斯汤加瑜伽,你就必须吃东西, 你的身体需要燃料, 但是或许每一个都需要不一样的燃料。
* We start becoming aware of our body and how we feel without anyone telling you.
* You start to discover certain foods make you feel better but other foods make you feel heavy. I think it’s a natural progression.

About Injury 关于伤痛
* If someone becomes injured from yoga, they are doing something wrong.
* The main reason to practice any style of yoga is to increase prana in our body. Prana means positive life force. Take that energy and go out and make the world better place.
无论是哪种形式的瑜伽,我们练习的最主要的原因都是要增加身体内的能量(Prana), Prana意味着生命的正向能量。带着这种能量走出教室走入世界让世界变得更好一点。
* Somehow if you become injured from yoga, don’t feel bad about yourself, just change your practice.
* Injury should be avoided, and you should use your practice to heal yourself.
* Do not ignore pain. We have pain in our body to tell us something is wrong. You have to listen to your body. It will speak to you.
* If you focus on your breath, listen to your body, you will not get hurt.
* If you get injured by a teacher, immediately tell that teacher they hurt you so they know.

我非常喜欢David老师的这些金句 (翻译中可能在语意上有小发挥),因为这些句子都非常简单直白,很多看似大实话的表述其实有很深刻的寓意;需要通过练习的体验的累积才能让这些教诲慢慢地渗入我们的练习和生活。希望大家也和我一样喜欢这些分享;点击下面图片可以回顾公众号以前发过的一些David Swanson老师的视频。