自从2020年11月加入郑老师的高端英语,已有7个月,孩子的变化可以说是日新月异,每天都会给我带来惊喜。目前孩子可以熟读200多张的英语教案卡、牛津树6级。生活中可以脱口而出英语。Travelling is the perfect combination of entertainment and education.所以我必须利用好这次旅行。当我们踏上旅程,我说I love sightseeing and tasting exotic food时,我女儿(恒睿)可以拓展出好多句子,这一点让我很吃惊。比如,Dad loves sightseeing and tasting exotic food.Mum loves sightseeing and tasting exotic food.Hengheng loves sightseeing and tasting exotic food.My gran loves sightseeing and tasting exotic food.My aunt loves sightseeing and tasting exotic food.
同样的例子还有:Dad has a busy schedule every day. 恒睿会说出Daddy is in the kitchen preparing special dishes for your friends.Mummy is in the kitchen preparing special dishes for your friends.Gran is in the kitchen preparing special dishes for your friends.Aunt is in the kitchen preparing special dishes for your friends.
Look, there are abundant fish. Let’s count together, one two three...恒睿会跟着我一起数数。恒睿第一次看见大海,有点害怕海浪,我说:You are a superhero. You are brave. You are not scared of the water.
Sometimes we are chasing the waves, other times the waves are chasing us.There are too many crabs here. Let’s find them together.
第二天我们去了灯光秀,在海边转了一圈,看到了上合组织的主题:互信互利,合作共赢,Mutual trust and benefit, win-win cooperation.
恒睿看到后,大喊这是我英文卡片上的单词,并且从头到尾一一指读了一遍。然后我们一起说出了Friendship should be based on mutual respect.Trust yourself, you will succeed.Walking after dinner is benefical to your health.Honey, help me put this into the trash can, thanks for your cooperation.第三天,我们去了栈桥,恒睿看到人山人海,说道There are so many people. 那天有点热,又说 Today is hot. 我说,Yes, many people love sightseeing. You love sightseeing. I love sightseeing too.然后我们坐了轮船。在轮船上,恒睿拿着telescope望远处的小青岛和远处的军舰,我告诉她 This ship is big, that ship is small, 然后就记住了big 和 small.Wow, these dishes are tempting, inviting and captivating.Protein is essential to life.Milk and meat contain proteins and fats.Have some fish. Kids who eat well perform better in school.这样宝宝就会主动多吃几个鱼水饺。早起不愿意喝牛奶时,就说Milk is you favorite drink. A nutritious and delicious breakfast is of great importance .Don't waste food and water. Many people suffer from starvation every year.
当我们一起阅读牛津树6的hairy scary monster时,恒睿一边唱I see your monster,I see your pain, tell me your problems , I will chase them away.一边凑了过来,monster 这首歌,她已经耳熟能详了。所以对monster 很敏感。连续讲了三遍 hairy scary monster, 还是不过瘾,从此,bedtime story 就换成它了,每天晚上睡觉时,总是让我给她读 hairy scary monster,坚持了一周左右,她自己可以阅读了。
除了高端英语和牛津树的完美结合,我们还开展了raz 的阅读。带她做地铁,我拿了一本 the subway, 一路上读了几遍,认识了subway,doors,people等词, 看到people,她会说出高端英语句子:People who study the moons and the stars are called astronomers.People who skip breakfast are more likely to suffer from hunger and malnutrition.People go to the bathroom to remove or discharge body waste.恒睿找相同的能力从刚刚接触高端英语时,我就发现了,她非常擅长把相同的单词放在一起朗读。
在读中文绘本的时候,也经常发现某个汉字和某个汉字长的非常相似,这个时候我会引导她认字。恒睿已经认识raz aa 级别的英文单词和对应的汉语解释。中文可以熟读三字经、弟子规和千字文了。这都得益于对她英语启蒙的方法,我也用到中文积累上啦。高端英语的词汇、句子,贴近生活,又不局限于生活,让孩子和我非常受用。感谢郑老师,带来这么好的课程,是我以前从不敢想象的。我们会一直学下去。