近日,华中农业大学生命科学技术学院王革娇教授领导的环境微生物课题组在国际著名学术期刊Environmental Science and Technology 发表了两篇关于微生物修复剂对多种重金属污染高效协同修复的最新研究成果,阐明了微生物菌剂通过新型氧化还原酶、琥珀酸与硫化氢代谢、生物膜合成等途径对重金属砷、铬、镉修复的分子机制。


第一篇文章题目为 “Immobilization of Cd using mixed Enterobacter and Comamonas bacterial reagents in pot experiments with Brassica rapa L.”,华中农业大学王杏博士生为第一作者、王革娇教授为通讯作者。第二篇文章题目为 “NemA catalyzes trivalent organoarsenicals oxidation and is regulated by the trivalent organoarsenical-selective transcriptional repressor NemR”,华中农业大学史凯祥博士为第一作者,华中农业大学王革娇教授与美国佛罗里达国际大学Barry P. Rosen教授为共同通讯作者。该工作得到国家十三五重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金及中国博士后科学基金的资助。
Enterobacter sp. A11 and Comamonas sp. A23 were isolated andidentified. Coculturing these two strains with Cd(II) led to the production of biofilm, H2S, and succinic acid (SA), and Cd(II) was adsorbed by cells andformed CdS precipitates. After centrifugation, 97% Cd(II) was removed fromthe coculture. Proteomic and metabolomic analyses of the cocultured bacteria revealed that H2S and SA production pathways, metal transportation, and TCAcycle were active under Cd(II) stress. In vitro addition of SA enhanced theproduction of H2S and biofilm formation and Cd(II) adsorption. Two-seasongreenhouse pot experiments with Brassica rapa L. were performed with andwithout the coculture bacteria. Compared with the control, the average Cd amounts of the two-season pot experiments of the aboveground plants were decreased by 71.3%, 62.8%, and 38.6%, and the nonbioavailable and immobilized Cd in the soils were increased by 211.8%, 213.4%, and 116.7%,for low-, medium-, and high- Cd-spiked soils, respectively. The two strains survived well in soil during plant growth using plate counting, quantitative real-time PCR, and metagenomics analysis. Our results indicate that the combination of Enterobacter and Comamonas strains with the production of H2S and biofilm are important effectorsfor the highly efficient immobilization of Cd.
Synthetic aromatic arsenicals such as roxarsone(Rox(V)) and nitarsone (Nit(V)) have been used as animalgrowth enhancers and herbicides. Microbes contribute to redoxcycling between the relatively less toxic pentavalent and highlytoxic trivalent arsenicals. In this study, we report the identificationof nemRA operon from Enterobacter sp. Z1 and show that it isinvolved in trivalent organoarsenical oxidation. Expression of nemAis induced by chromate (Cr(VI)), Rox(III), and Nit(III).Heterologous expression of NemA in Escherichia coli confersresistance to Cr(VI), methylarsenite (MAs(III)), Rox(III), andNit(III). Purified NemA catalyzes simultaneous Cr(VI) reductionand MAs(III)/Rox(III)/Nit(III) oxidation, and oxidation wasenhanced in the presence of Cr(VI). The results of electrophoretic mobility shift assays and fluorescence assays demonstrate that the transcriptional repressor, NemR, binds to either Rox(III) orNit(III). NemR has three conserved cysteine residues, Cys21, Cys106, and Cys116. Mutation of any of the three resulted in loss of response to Rox(III)/Nit(III), indicating that they form an Rox(III)/Nit(III) binding site. These results show that NemA is a novel trivalent organoarsenical oxidase that is regulated by the trivalent organoarsenical-selective repressor NemR. This discovery expands our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of organoarsenical oxidation and provides a basis for studying the redox coupling ofenvironmental toxic compounds.