

根据《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》及其实施条例、《财政部 税务总局关于实施小微企业普惠性税收减免政策的通知》(财税〔2019〕13号,以下简称《通知》)等规定,现就小型微利企业普惠性所得税减免政策有关问题公告如下:















Announcement on Relevant Issues of Implementing the PreferentialTaxation Reducing Policy for Small Low-profit Enterprises

发布日期:2019-01-2115:55        来源: 上海税务

  Announcementon Relevant Issues of Implementing the Preferential Taxation Reducing Policyfor Small Low-profit Enterprises

  AnnouncementNo. 2 of the State Taxation Administration, 2019

  It ishereby announced the relevant issues of implementing the preferential taxationreducing policy for small low-profit enterprises according to the Law of thePeople’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax and its implementationregulations and the Circular of the Ministry of Finance and State TaxationAdministration on Implementation of Preferential Taxation Reducing Policy forSmall Low-profit Enterprises (CS No. 13-2019, hereinafter referred to as theCircular):

  1. FromJanuary 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, for small low-profit enterprises with anannual taxable income of less than CNY 1 million, their income shall beincluded in the taxable income after deducting 25% of the income, they shallpay the enterprise income tax at the tax rate of 20%. For small low-profitenterprises with an annual taxable income of more than CNY 1 million but lessthan CNY 3 million, their income shall be included in the taxable income afterdeducting 50% of the income, they shall pay the enterprise income tax at thetax rate of 20%.

  Smalllow-profit enterprises paying enterprise income tax whether by accountchecking-based way or authorization-based way may enjoy the above preferentialpolicies.

  2. Thesmall low-profit enterprises mentioned herein refer to the enterprises engagedin industries not restricted or prohibited by the state, with an annual taxableincome of less than CNY 3 million, the number of employees of less than 300,and a total asset of less than CNY 50 million.

  3. smalllow-profit enterprises shall prepay the income tax quarterly.

  Duringthe pre-payment of enterprise income tax, the indexes of total assets, numberof employees and annual taxable income of small low-profit enterprises shall bedetermined temporarily according to the circumstances of the end of the periodas declared. Among those indexes, the quarterly average indexes of total assetsand number of employees up to the end of the period as declared shall becalculated according to the formula of the 'annual quarterly average'in Article 2 of the Circular; the annual taxable income index is temporarilydetermined according to the standard of not exceeding CNY 3 million at the endof the period as declared.

  4.Enterprises not meeting the conditions of small low-profit enterprisespreviously may enjoy the taxation reducing policy for small low-profit enterprisesaccording to the accumulated situation up to the end of the period as declaredif the enterprises are judged to be in conformity with the conditions of smalllow-profit enterprises when prepaying the enterprise income tax in the middleof the year. The amount of enterprise income tax paid redundantly in previousperiod of the current year due to nonconformity to the conditions of smalllow-profit enterprises may be deducted from the amount of income tax payable inthe following quarters.

  If theenterprises prepaying the income tax monthly are judged to meet the conditionsof small low-profit enterprises when declaring the prepayment in April, Julyand October of the current year according to Article 3 hereof, the nextprepayment declaration period will be adjusted to quarterly prepayment. Onceadjusted, no change will be made in the current year.

  5. Smalllow-profit enterprises may enjoy the taxation reducing policy by filling in therelevant contents of tax return when prepaying and finally settling the incometax.

  6. Wherean enterprise subject to the authorization-based collection of income taxpayable needs to adjust or reduce the quota as per the provisions of taxationreducing policy for small low-profit enterprises, the competent tax authorityshall make adjustment in accordance with the procedure and inform theenterprise of the adjustment in a timely manner.

  7. Wherea small low-profit enterprise has enjoyed the taxation reduction policy whenprepaying the income tax and the final settlement of the income tax does notconform to Article 2 of the Circular, it shall make up the income tax asregulated.

  8. TheAnnouncement of the State Taxation Administration on Tax Collection andManagement Issues Concerning the Implementation of Further Expanding the Scopeof Preferential Policies of Income Tax for Small Low-profitEnterprises(Announcement No. 40 of the State Taxation Administration, 2018)shall be abolished after the final settlement of income tax in 2018.

  StateTaxation Administration

  January18, 2019

