
 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Antony AB,  Mazzola AJ,  Dhaliwal GS, et al. Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Head and Facial Pain: A Literature Review[J]. Pain Physician, 2019, 22(5):447-477. 本次学习由陈阳住院医师主讲。

Trigeminal Neuralgia
TN is a condition that causes unilateral, paroxysmal, facial pain. It is mediated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve. Although rare in the general population, TN incidence progresses with age, affecting 2 to 5 per 100,000 per year in the general population and increasing up to 25 per 100,000 per year in people aged > 70 years . Women are 1.5 to 1.75 times more likely to be affected. Trigeminal neuropathy has been seen in higher rates in those diagnosed with arterial hypertension, multiple sclerosis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, and glossopharyngeal neuralgia .The nature of pain is commonly severe electric shock, stabbing pain lasting from <1 second to 2 minutes. Pain can follow from an innocuous stimulus at the trigeminal nerve distribution.


First-line treatment usually is carbamazepine with additional neuropathic pain agents added as needed. Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine are first-line treatments and have great efficacy in patients with paroxysmal pain; however, these medications often lead to side effects that lead to a reduction in use by 27% and 18% of responding patients, respectively. Further invasive therapy can be undertaken with trigeminal nerve blocks, chemical or radiofrequency denervation, and even intracranial microvascular decompression.


Another similar condition includes painful trigeminal neuropathy that is defined as pain in one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve caused by another disorder with likely neural damage. This pain is often nearcontinuous and described as burning or squeezing. In comparison to TN, there are less brief pain paroxysms. PHN is commonly seen in the trigeminal nerve distribution. It is more common in the elderly than younger individuals, and most commonly affects the ophthalmic division when causing facial pain. It can be treated with tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants. Neurolytic treatments are not recommended because of the risk of deafferentation pain. Although the Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee has not recommended the use of peripheral nerve stimulation(PNS) for trigeminal face pain, it may warrant consideration when intractable facial pain or headache can be localized to a specific nerve distribution.


Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a rare condition associated with paroxysmal pain in the distribution of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve. Studies have shown an incidence of 0.9 per 100,000 per year in men and 0.5 per 100,000 per year in women, with a mean age of onset of around age 64 years. Although rarer than TN, glossopharyngeal neuralgia has also been associated with multiple sclerosis. Based on International Headache Society classification, the condition involves stabbing pain in the ear, base of tongue, tonsillar region, or the angle of the jaw. Symptoms can also involve an autonomic component with bradycardia and syncopal episodes. Pain of a sharp, electrical nature commonly lasts from a few seconds to minutes. Swallowing, talking, coughing, or yawning often exacerbates this severe pain. Causes can be primary and idiopathic or secondary due to compressive lesions such as tumors, soft tissue and bone, or vascular structures. Neurovascular compression of the glossopharyngeal nerve may be diagnosed on imaging


Medical treatment involves anticonvulsants, membrane stabilizers, and antidepressants for neuropathic pain. Nerve blocks can be performed at various branches of glossopharyngeal nerve or vagus nerve, however, their efficacy has been questioned. A randomized, prospective, active-controlled, parallel group study showed similar efficacy in treatment between 15 patients with glossopharyngeal neuralgia treated with standard oral therapy of gabapentin, tramadol, and methylcobalamin and the intervention group that received the same oral therapy with additional extraoral glossopharyngeal nerve blocks. Each patient received a diagnostic block with lidocaine followed by alternating day steroid plus bupivacaine for 3 injections and followed by 2 more blocks of only bupivacaine. This study lacked image guidance to confirm ideal target of injectate. Although nerve blocks did not appear to add benefit, there were no adverse events, and in refractory cases nerve blocks should still be considered.


Surgical treatment involves rhizotomy or nerve section, or microvascular decompression of the glossopharyngeal or vagus nerve. A meta-analysis by Lu et al  of 792 patients with glossopharyngeal neuralgia treated surgically either by nerve section(36%), microvascular decompression (56%), or stereotactic radiosurgery (8%) concluded a complete long-term (median 33, 56, and 45 months, respectively) pain relief in 91% overall (96%, 90%, and 82%,respectively). Other studies show surgical treatment has great efficacy; however, temporary nerve deficits can be seen in 20 to 34% of patients with permanent damage in up to 17%. Recently, Gamma Knife radiosurgery has been proposed as a less invasive option.In one case series, 8 of 9 patients underwent a total of 10 Gamma Knife radiosurgeries targeting the glossopharyngeal meatus of the jugular foramen. A total of 8 patients reported pain relief, with 6 patients pain-free at 3 months and at 46 months on average long-term follow-up. Currently, there is no literature to support management of this condition with neurostimulation.




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