事后,当地集中力量开展救援(rescue)与打捞( recover/retrieve/salvage)工作。
共70多艘救援船(70 rescue boats)围绕公交车坠江水域全面开展搜救。
据《南华早报》10月30日报道,社交媒体上有一些人开始对女司机进行人身攻击(Social media users began attacking women drivers.)
也有人在微博上写下“交通管理部门应该禁止女性开车”(The traffic management authorities should just ban women from driving.)等言论。
今天(11月2日),相关部门公布了公交车坠江前最后监控视频(surveillance video),还原了事实真相。
黑匣子视频(Blackbox footage)显示:
一名女乘客与驾驶员发生争吵,女乘客打司机,司机予以还手(the driver was being hit by a passenger and then struck her back)
之后车辆失控向左偏离与对向( the opposite lane )的红色小轿车相撞、冲上路沿、撞断护栏坠入江中(smashing through the guardrail and into the Yangtze River)。
背景音乐: Bones - WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway
Security footage from a bus which crashed into a river in China has revealed that the driver was fighting with a passenger moments earlier.
The bus plunged 50m (164ft) off a bridge into the Yangtze River in Chongqing on Sunday - at least 13 people died and two more are missing.
Early reports said the bus had swerved to avoid an oncoming vehicle.
But the new footage shows the driver was being hit by a passenger and then struck her back.
The bus, travelling at speed, then turns into the opposite lane and smashes through the safety barriers, before the footage cuts out.
A woman who attacked a bus driver after she missed her stop was partially responsible for a dramatic crash in southwestern China which killed all 15 people on board, an investigation by Chinese authorities revealed Friday.
A 10-second clip from the on-board camera released by Chongqing police showed a female passenger yelling at the male driver while he was steering, shortly after 10 a.m. on Sunday.
The 48-year-old woman then attacked the driver with her cell phone, while he fought back with his right arm.
When she struck him again, he abruptly turned the steering wheel left, swerving into oncoming traffic before crashing into the railings on the side of a bridge -- screaming can be heard as the video stops.
The release of the clip brings an end to the mystery surrounding the cause of the deadly crash, which has come to captivate China amid extensive television coverage of a massive search-and-recovery effort.