3月21日是世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)。据中国睡眠研究协会的研究显示,约有40%的中国人饱受睡眠障碍困扰。睡眠障碍(sleep disorder)估计很多人都经历过,常见症状有失眠(insomnia)、睡眠呼吸暂停症(sleep apnea)、不宁腿综合征(restless legs syndrome)、嗜睡症(narcolepsy)等。本期《潮爆新语》我们来谈谈睡眠,同时希望大家每天都能sleep well, stay healthy。
Sleep Camel 睡眠骆驼
Meaning: Sleep camels are ultra-workaholics who go for days without resting, then power-sleep or power-nap for most of the weekend in an attempt to make up for it and to store up energy for the week ahead.
一周五天、每天八小时的工作日对某些极度热爱工作的人来说可能太短了,他们有太多的计划要赶,有很多项目等着他们跟进……所以,他们一周的五天工作日大部分都处在晚睡早起、争分夺秒的状态。那么他们是怎样保持这样旺盛的精力呢?答案就是,他们都是sleep camel,这样的人一般都利用周末补充睡眠,积攒能量。
Sleep camel指那些在工作日争分夺秒工作,睡眠时间很少,到了周末就大睡特睡补充睡眠同时为下一周积聚能量的工作狂,我们可称之为“睡眠骆驼”。我们都知道骆驼是一种积蓄能力很强的动物,它们可以多日不吃不喝,一旦遇到水和草,便大量贮存。这里把周末补觉的人称为sleep camel大概也是基于这个相似点吧:可以多日少睡,到了休息的时候就充分补足睡眠、积蓄能量。
Many white-collar workers are sleep camels.
Sleep Tattoo 睡眠文身
Meaning: Sleep tattoo refers to the markings on the body from sleeping for an extended period of time, caused by blankets, clothing, or any other thing one would sleep on. Commonly found on the chest, face and arms.
夏天铺着凉席睡觉的时候,胳膊、腿,甚至脸上难免会留下一排排竹席的印记。这样的印记在英语里叫做sleep tattoo(睡眠文身),这个说法还挺形象的吧。Sleep tattoo指睡了很长一段时间醒来后,睡觉时盖的毯子、穿的衣服或者碰巧床上的任何物品在身上留下的印记,多见于胸口、脸部以及胳膊。
―I just had the best nap of my life!
我刚睡了一个有生以来最舒服的午觉!―What’s that all over your arm?
―Oh those are just some sleep tattoos from my blanket.
Microsleep 微睡眠
Meaning: A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction[片段] of a second or up to thirty seconds. Often, it is the result of sleep deprivation, mental fatigue, depression, or hypersomnia[嗜睡]. For the sleep-deprived, microsleeping can occur at any time, typically without substantial warning.
A tired driver is at very high risk for having an accident during a microsleep.
Sleep Debt 睡眠负债
Meaning: Sleep debt is the cumulative[累积的] effect of not getting enough sleep. A large sleep debt may lead to mental or physical fatigue.
早睡早起身体好。这句话每个人都知道,可是能做到的人却不多。整天被网络、手机、游戏围绕的年轻一代,每天的睡眠时间估计很难达到健康生活的标准。他们都是有“睡眠负债”的人。睡眠负债(sleep debt)指长期睡眠不足产生的影响。睡眠负债过多可能会导致精神或身体疲惫。睡眠负债是由于主动限制睡眠时间而造成的睡眠不足。这一说法由美国斯坦福大学睡眠医疗中心的创建者、医学博士威廉姆・戴蒙提出。
A long-term sleep debt can cause emotional issues, compromise work performance. It can weaken one’s memory, alertness, attention and judgment, while also speeding up the ageing process and leading to other types of diseases.