Music festival and covid: could some events still go ahead this year?
音乐节和冠状病毒, 今年的活动还会正常进行吗
There is nothing else quite like a festival
UK festivals, particularly the big ones, are part of what makes you want to do music in the first place.
It doesn't matter if you don't know the person next to you, and the person next to you, and the person in front of you.
You konw that day, that time, at that festival.
Coronavirus has devastated the UK's live events industry.
In 2020 festival revenues fell by 90%.
Very early in March it was just all dropping away. And everyone had stopped booking anything.
No deposits were coming through so there wae no cash.
The cash flow stopped. My business is on hold. You know, there is no income, I've had no income. It's completely on hold, it's not happening. It's not happening last year, it's at the moment, not happening this year.
To be honest I'm not really focusing on whether we get to do festivals. I just want to make sure that my mum makes it through.
I'd be delighted to play at the festivals if they do go ahead. But I think until there 's a proper vaccination programme up and running and we're some way towards the herd immunity that we used to hear about, then I remain pessimistic.
A group of MPs are working on a report on how to support the UK' music festival industry.
Timing is absolutely imperative for this year. Already we're in the beginning half of the year and some festivals unfortunately won't be able to go ahead because it's already too late in terms of planning and geeting those things up and running.
This is such a huge industry and such a huge sector employing around 85,000 jobs in the UK alone.
So it's absolutely vital that we get this right for the future of the sector and for the future of music festivals.
Glastonbury festival has already been cancelled this year. But there are calls for measures to help others go ahead.
We need government backed insurance. So, corona cancellation insurance. That is absolutely paramount. That is the difference between festival and events organisers having the confidence to move forward and actually get our industry, our own economy, going again.
The second thing I'd ask for is more financial support, especially for those that have been excluded. And absolutely some kind of road map with what support we'll have along the way to a date when we can start again. Even if there needs to be a bit of flexibility in that date which is understandable.
Another year without events could have a lasting impact on the sector. I would say as a bare minimum 50% of operators will be gone. And that's probably being optimistic. You know, it's been hard for most people to carry on to here. Another summer, I think it's game over for a lot of people.
一年没有任何活动可能会对该行业产生持久影响。我要说的是,至少有50%的运营商将消失。这可能是乐观的。您知道的,对于大多数人来说,很难坚持下去。 在另一个夏天,我认为这对很多人来说就结束了。
I've worked for the Levellers, Morcheeba, Muse for 16 years, take that, to mention a few. I kind of like, ran away and joined the circus when I was 21. And it's been a fantastic ride but then it just... The floor opened up and it all just disappeared.
After losing his job he retrained as a gas engineer.
My major focus was I needed to have something to keep my family above water, to pay the mortgage and put food on the table, which has been a scrape.
We are in regualr dialogue with public health experts to agree a realistic return date for festivals and othes large events, but right now the NHS is under extreme pressure and we must do everything we can to reduce that. Once we are confident we are in a position to explore possible reopening dates, we will be working with organisers to unlock the barriers they face to restarting - including any challenges getting insurance.
ISA SOARES: A silent chaos fills this ICU ward on the outskirts of Lisbon in Portugal.
ISA SOARES:在葡萄牙里斯本郊区的这个ICU病房里,一片寂静。
Here, as patient after patient battle for breath, for life itself, only their heart monitors echo through these walls.
For a country that mastered the first wave of COVID-19, this is an alarming sight. An epidemic so ferocious that ICU wards are overwhelmed and nearing capacity. But what is most in need right now is medical staff.
Interpreter: I would love to always have one nurse for six patients. But most times, I have one tending to eight.
ISA SOARES: And they, lead nurse DuGoncalves tells us, are overworked and beyond exhausted. But there is no respite for them yet, as hosputals feel the immense weight of this latest wave.
Interpreter: The hospitals are all overwhelmed and the Casicais Hospital is no exception. We are nearing our limit, if we 're not there already. And what we're seeing is that the services that exist in Portugal are starting to be overrun by this tsunami.
Across the country, hospitals are struggling to cope with a rapid surge in new cases. With doctors telling CNN they extimate 25% of all new cases have been caused by the variant discovered in the UK. So it's all hands on deck here, with large military health units being set up in Lisbon and Parto. Even cafeterias are being turned into wards.
All in a bid to avoid scenes like this. Patients being triaged in lines of ambulances, waiting outside overcrowded hospitals in Lisbon. But as the admissions grow throughout the country, so do the scars they carry, Dr. Gustavo Carona tells me.
We are dealing with the patients suffering in a way that we have never seen before. And it is a very slow disease. It is not like they arrive in the hospital and then they die. They are there for hours, for days.
ISA SOARES : Doctor Carona has been on the front lines of wars in the Middle East and Africa. Bur this, he tells me, isn't a war.
ISA SOARES:Carona医生曾经在中东和非洲战争的前线。他告诉我,这不是一场战争。
It is quite complex to deal with intensive care patients. So you cannot find specialist in a vending machines. And the problem is that people do not understand that there is a limit to our capacity.
Doctors say the messaging out of Portugal has been clear. But many have criticized the government for relaxing measures at Christmas, including allowing families to gather, and for going ahead with presidential elections just days ago, a debate staff at this hospital simply had no time for.
Here , there 's only a spirit of mission. But the fear is that this will soon fade away, as exhaustion and anxiety begin to set in.
Impfstoffe ohne Patent produzieren lassen?
Politisch umstritten, rechtlich eindeutig: Der Staat könnte die von Biontech, Moderna und Astrazeneca entwickelten Impfstoffe auch von anderen Herstellern produzieren lassen.
Sollen Andere Impfstoff von Biontech & Co. herstellen?
Das ist rechtlich problematisch, da solche pharmazeutischen Produkte von Patenten geschützt werden. Erforschung und Entwicklung von Impfstoffen sind sehr aufwendig, teuer und mit großen wirtschaftlichen Risiken verbunden.
Patente sollen einen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz zur Entwicklung bieten, indem sie dem Pharmaunternehmen die spätere wirtschaftliche Nutzung garantieren. So kann das Unternehmen seine millionenschweren Investitionen kompensieren und zusätzlich Gewinne erwirtschaften.
Deshalb widerspricht der Vorschlag aus der Politik den Grundsätzen des Patentrechts. Rein rechtlich wäre es wegen der besonderen Corona-Lage aber tatsächlich möglich, dass ein Impfstoff auch von anderen Herstellern produziert wird.
Grundlage ist das Infektionsschutzgesetz
Grundlage dafür ist das Ende 2020 geänderte Infektionsschutzgesetz. Darin heißt es: Das Bundesgesundheitsministerium wird im Rahmen der epidemischen Lage von nationaler Tragweite ermächtigt, nach § 13 Absatz 1 des Patentgesetzes anzuordnen, dass eine Erfindung (…) im Interesse der öffentlichen Wohlfahrt (…) benutzt werden soll.
其基础是《感染保护法》,该法于2020年底进行了修订:在国家范围内的流行病情况下,根据专利法第13条第(1)款,联邦卫生部有权下令发明 (...)出于公众公益(...)而被使用。
Während der Corona-Pandemie kann das Bundesgesundheitsministerium anordnen, dass Medikamente und Impfstoffe auch gegen den Willen des Patentinhabers hergestellt werden.Der Staat würde dann sozusagen anstelle des Patentinhabers für einen begrenzten Zeitraum Lizenzen an andere Pharmaunternehmen erteilen.
Dafür müsste der Staat dann aber auch angemessen bezahlen: Die übliche Lizenzspanne, in der die überwiegende Mehrzahl der pharmazeutischen Produkte bezahlt wird, liege bei fünf bis 15 Prozent des Umsatzes, sagt der Münchner Patentanwalt Wolfgang Weiß.
Impfstoff-Herstellung notfalls über eine Zwangslizenz
Ein anderer Weg, wie der Staat die Impfstoff-Herstellung juristisch in die Hand nehmen könnte, ist die so genannte Zwangslizenz. Diese kann von einem Patentgericht erteilt werden, wenn ein öffentliches Interesse vorliegt. Außerdem müssen vorher Verhandlungen über die Lizenzierung stattgefunden haben, die zu keinem Ergebnis geführt haben. Erst dann darf das zuständige Bundespatentgericht überhaupt entscheiden.
Dieser Weg ist wesentlich aufwendiger und langwieriger als die Anordnung des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums. 2016 hatte das Bundespatentgericht erstmals eine solche Zwangslizenz angeordnet; damals ging es um die Produktion eines HIV-Medikaments.
Jens Spahn: Das Vertrauen in den Impfstoff ist wichtig
Abgesehen von den juristische Fragestellungen müsste sich die Politik auch erst einmal entscheiden, ob die derzeitige Lage es wirklich erfordert, die Patente der Impfstoffentwickler zu übergehen. Bundesgesundheitsminister Spahn hält bislang wenig davon. Im vergangenen Dezember hatte er gesagt:
Jens Spahn:对疫苗的信任很重要
Gerade für das Vertrauen in den Impfstoff ist es doch wichtig, dass wir alle Qualitätsanforderungen einhalten.
Jens Spahn