[第176次听写] 复习黑客帝国

每周六早上我会复习之前做过的听写, 每次复习一周的内容,重新听写之前听错的句子,今天复习第36-42次听写《黑客帝国》.

1 Police(Freeze), police.

2 There’s a phone at Welson lake(Wells and Lake).

3 Has(It has) already begun.

4 It’s Troy(Choi).

5 Nah, It’ll be fine(Come on, It’ll be fun).

6 the Trinity? the guy who(That) cracked the IRS d-base.

7 What(of what)?

8 I know why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night you sleep(sit) at your computer.

9 Yes, Mr. Ranheart(Rhinehart), perfectly clear.

第2句Wells and Lake还是听成了Welson

第3句It has还是漏掉了it


第5句fun还是听成了fine, Come on听成了Moni

第7句of what还是漏掉了of


wow, 这一篇有点惨烈

