





The world is facing an impending fertility crisis, experts warn.

Diminishing sperm counts and physical changes in men and women due to hormone-disrupting chemicals in products are threatening human survival, writes Epidemiologist Shanna Swan.

'If you look at the curve on sperm count and project it forward — which is always risky — it reaches zero in 2045,' Swan told Axios last month.

Swan's findings were first widely circulated in 2017, when she served as the senior author of a paper that examined 185 studies of nearly 43,000 healthy men in Western countries and found that total sperm count fell 59 percent between 1973-2011.



*全氟 烷基 物(Perfluoroalkyl substances)


Man-made chemicals that repel stains and water found in pots and pans, carpets, clothing, and in fish and other animals. PFAS never disintegrate and can be found in major water supplies.

* 邻苯二甲酸 酯(Phthalates):

主要做为增塑剂( 增塑剂 )使用,添加到塑胶中以增强弹性、透明度、耐用性和使用寿命。它们多被添加在洗涤剂、尿布、地板、指甲油、玩具中。此前在进行动物研究时,科学家就发现邻苯二甲酸酯类污染物会对动物胚胎发育造成损害,容易导致先天畸形和生殖问题。

Chemicals used to make plastic harder to break. They can be found in detergent, diapers, flooring, nail polish, toys and many other products. Phthalates have been found in animal studies to cause birth defects and reproductive problems.

*对羟基苯甲酸酯 (Parabens)


Chemical preservatives that mimic the hormone estrogen. They can be found in shampoo, conditioner, face cleansers, moisturizers, deodorants, sunscreen, toothpaste and cosmetics.




This can result in decreased sperm concentrations, decreased sperm motility, and genital abnormalities, according to the Environmental Working Group.

Swan's findings were first widely circulated in 2017, when she served as the senior author of a paper that examined 185 studies of nearly 43,000 healthy men in Western countries and found that total sperm count fell 59 percent between 1973-2011.

Women have also been impacted by increased chemicals in the environment. Around the world, the number of births per woman has fallen from 5 in 1960 to 2.4 in 2018, according to the World Bank.

