中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院:碳水吃得少,可能增加冠状动脉钙化风险 | 热心肠日报

Low-Carbohydrate Diet Score and Coronary Artery Calcium Progression Results From the CARDIA Study



10-29, Article

Abstract & Authors:展开

Objective: To investigate whether low-carbohydrate diets (LCDs) were associated with coronary artery calcium (CAC) progression.
Approach and Results: We included the participants who completed computed tomography assessment of baseline CAC in 2000 to 2001 (year 15) and follow-up (year 20 or 25) and food frequency questionnaire (years 0, 7, and 20) in the CARDIA study (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults). CAC progression was defined as CAC >0 at follow-up among participants with baseline CAC of 0 and an annualized change of 10 or percent change of ≥10% for those with 0
Conclusions: LCDs starting at a young age are associated with an increased risk of subsequent CAC progression, particularly when animal protein or fat are chosen to replace carbohydrates.

First Authors:
Jing-Wei Gao,Qing-Yun Hao,Hai-Feng Zhang

Correspondence Authors:
Shao-Ling Zhang,Pin-Ming Liu

All Authors:
Jing-Wei Gao,Qing-Yun Hao,Hai-Feng Zhang,Xiong-Zhi Li,Zhi-Min Yuan,Ying Guo,Jing-Feng Wang,Shao-Ling Zhang,Pin-Ming Liu

