


陆 地




English Version

A Speech Delivered at the First  Boya National Poetry Reading Festival

Composed by Lu Di

Tr. Wu Haohao

It is March 3rd by lunar calendar, the day for celebrations of Shangsi Festival in China. The snow has melted away and flowers send forth flesh aroma in the air. It breezes softly and everything is bathed in the brilliant spring sunshine. On such a bright day, I invite my dear friends to attend the celebrations, namely the First Boya National Poetry Reading Festival and release ceremony of my poem collection—Depicting China with Lu Di’s Poetry. No matter whichever walks of life you take, say you might be a calligrapher, apainter, a poet, a scholar, a singer, a dancer, a businessman or  a politician, you and I gather at the Boya Tower and Weiming Lake at Peking University.

Artists perform zither, lyre, piano and other musical instruments to welcome your arrival at the conference hall of the College of Journalism and Communication. Songs are sung to please your ears and poems of Depicting China with Lu Di’s Poetry are recited to cheer your heart. Calligraphy and paintings are exhibited at Centennial Auditorium. Some artists are invited to improvise artistic works. After the ceremony, you can stroll along the Marble Boat or chat with your friends in threes and fours. You can linger on the islet centered by waves, trees, blossoms and clouds. I wish you will take a leisurely walk along the banks of Weiming Lake, where willow branches are waving to you. The green cedars around the Boya Tower will delight you as well. Poetry is no longer an abstract and elusive being in case that you experience it via the celebrations. The game of composing poems with wines served in floating cups along the winding water is not an ancient legend but an activity that calls for your participation. Poetry, calligraphy and painting are elegant gifts endowed to humans, why not immerse yourself in them with all your heart?

We live in an era of literary renaissance. Chinese culture, which is unique in nature, should be inherited and transmitted by us all. Poetry as a carrier of national spirit should be passed down from generation to generation. However, it is a long way to go to fulfill the Chinese dream of poetry. Without poetry, life is but a repetition of boring days. Therefore, I propose that the gathering of literati at Orchid Pavilion on lunar March 3rd, 353 shall be enlivened annually at the Boya Tower and Weiming Lake, Peking University. To wrap it up, I wish the First Boya National Poetry Reading Festival a great success!


图文编辑: 吴浩浩




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