
流利度仅次于这些北欧国家的是那些曾被英语国家殖民过的地区或者国家,比如南非、菲律宾、马来西亚。非常有意思的是,这篇文章也提到了新加坡。尽管英文是新加坡四种官方语言中最重要、最受重视的语言,但看来还不能称得上是native language.



Where are the world’s best English-speakers?
ENGLISH IS THE most widely spoken language in the world. And of the roughly 1.5bn speakers globally, the vast majority speak it as a second language. So where are the world’s best non-native English speakers?

the most widely spoken language/使用范围最广的语言,这是对英语非常准确的描述;non-native English speakers/非以英语为母语者;

According to a new report by EF Education First, an English-teaching company, Northern Europeans are the most fluent (the Netherlands tops the rankings, followed by Sweden, Norway and Denmark). Middle Easterners are the least proficient (Iraq, Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia all rank near the bottom).


These results are not comprehensive, however. Nor are they representative. EF’s index is based on the results of a free online test taken by 2.3m volunteers in 100 countries. Only people with an internet connection and time and willingness to take a test are included in the sample, which means the results are biased towards richer countries interested in English. As a result, many African countries do not have enough test-takers—at least 400—to be included in the index.

调查结果:1. 不够全面/not comprehensive;2. Nor are they representative/也不具代表性;为什么呢?原来这项调查吸引了来自100个国家的230万人参加,但是这是在线调查,需要测试对象有电脑并且能上网,而且要能“入围”,一个国家必须至少有400人参加这个调查;

Such biases aside, the EF’s index produces results that are interesting, if not entirely scientific. Nearly six in ten of this year’s test-takers were female. Women have always fared better than men, but this year men closed the gap somewhat.

尽管有偏差/biases,尽管不一定完全科学/ not entirely scientific,调查的结果还是很有意思的。作者说到60%的测试对象是女性。当然男同学不要悲观,跟以往相比,已经是进步了(掩面而泣)。


Some countries saw their proficiency scores decline. This is probably not because their English got worse; more likely, a big increase in the number of test-takers brought in more people with weak English.


In Europe, the powerhouse economies fare surprisingly badly: only Germany makes the top tier of “very high proficiency” countries. France is next, while Spain and Italy are persistent laggards. A study by a Spanish research institute confirmed the bad news: 60% of adults say they speak no English at all.

powerhouse,听上去就像发电的房子,充满了力量,那powerhouse economies/充满力量的经济体,当然指的就是欧洲工业大国,欧洲列强的味道扑面而来。问题是除了德国,其它三个英文不太行。最差的总是西班牙和意大利(Albert表示完全同意)。


The fact that Spanish is a global language in its own right (the language boasts 400m native speakers) is probably the culprit. If you speak Danish, you need another language to take part in global culture; speaking French or Spanish (or Arabic) means hundreds of millions of people to talk to without English.



Asia is the region of greatest diversity. Only Singapore makes the top tier, but the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong and India are not far behind. China is further back but still in the second tier, a few slots ahead of Japan.

终于说到亚洲。新加坡排名最靠前,后面跟着被殖民过的大小兄弟们:菲律宾、马来西亚、香港、印度。注意,China来了,作者提到“further back”也就是和往年排名相比,这次“更靠后了”(请问是谁拉低了大家的平均分?!);

但是,貌似作者要安慰下我们,说到中国还是处在“第二梯队”/the second tier,并且a few slots ahead of Japan/领先日本几个身位;

Languishing in the bottom slots are a clutch of South-East and Central Asian countries like Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan. This correlates with another factor: EF repeatedly finds that English skills are highly correlated with connections and openness to the rest of the world.

最后提到了柬埔寨和吉尔吉斯斯坦这样的内陆国家;最后的最后,点睛之笔来了:English skills are highly correlated with connections and openness to the rest of the world./英语能力和一个国家与世界的联系和开放度紧密相关;

