Crit Care. 2017 Jun 5;21(1):131.
Role of nutrition support in adult cardiac surgery: a consensus statement from an International Multidisciplinary Expert Group on Nutrition in Cardiac Surgery.
Stoppe C, Goetzenich A, Whitman G, Ohkuma R, Brown T, Hatzakorzian R, Kristof A, Meybohm P, Mechanick J, Evans A, Yeh D, McDonald B, Chourdakis M, Jones P, Barton R, Tripathi R, Elke G, Liakopoulos O, Agarwala R, Lomivorotov V, Nesterova E, Marx G, Benstoem C, Lemieux M, Heyland DK.
University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany; Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, USA; Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada; McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada; University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; University of Western Ontario, London, Canada; University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, USA; University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany; University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; Wake Forest School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC, USA; Research Institute of Circulation Pathology, Novosibirsk, Russia; National Pirogov Surgical Medical Center, Moscow, Russia; Queen's University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Nutrition support is a necessary therapy for critically ill cardiac surgery patients. However, conclusive evidence for this population, consisting of well-conducted clinical trials is lacking. To clarify optimal strategies to improve outcomes, an international multidisciplinary group of 25 experts from different clinical specialties from Germany, Canada, Greece, USA and Russia discussed potential approaches to identify patients who may benefit from nutrition support, when best to initiate nutrition support, and the potential use of pharmaco-nutrition to modulate the inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass. Despite conspicuous knowledge and evidence gaps, a rational nutritional support therapy is presented to benefit patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Main open research topics concerning nutrition in patients after cardiac surgery
The few randomized trials of nutrition support in patients undergoing cardiac surgery are limited to small numbers of patients and demonstrate heterogeneous results, so the experts felt unable to give strong recommendations for clinical practice. Nevertheless, six key messages have been identified by the experts, which are thought to be of clinical relevance in the treatment of these patients:
Whenever possible, preoperative optimization of the nutritional state should be targeted in the malnourished patient undergoing cardiac surgery. The increasing number of patients with advanced heart failure and planned VAD implant represent a subpopulation that may as well benefit from optimization of the nutritional state. Thus, determination of nutritional risk, preferably using a structured scoring tool, should be part of the patient's preoperative assessment.
To reach maximum benefit, preoperative nutritional therapy should be initiated in malnourished patients after cardiac surgery at least 2-7 days before surgery (e.g., as part of a preoperative evaluation and optimization therapy).
Monitoring of nutrition intake should be routinely assessed daily in patients after cardiac surgery during the ICU stay. In particular, on day 3 all patients should be carefully evaluated as to their nutrition risk and effort should be made to achieve at least 80% of their prescribed protein/energy requirements, either by enteral or parental feeding, as soon as possible.
Postoperative nutrition support should be initiated early (0-24 hours after surgery) in patients at high nutritional risk with an expected prolonged ICU stay.
Attention to refeeding syndrome may be of importance for patients in whom nutrition support is started after a prolonged period of starvation or in patients with preexisting malnutrition, respectively. In those patients, advancement of feeding should be slower, taking 3-4 days to reach goal, and targeting to adapt to both macronutient and micronutrient special needs.
If initiated early postoperatively within <24 hours after ICU admission, an additional immune-modulating component (e.g., selenium, fish oil) to nutrition may be considered for patients with complex and prolonged surgical procedures, to counteract the overwhelming inflammatory response.
In extension to the need of reliable data, international standardized procedures such as the ESPEN and IASMEN endorsed strategy for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) are warranted to optimize nutrition support in cardiac surgery patients. In view of the heterogeneous standards of perioperative care in these patients and lack of evidence provided by large-scale RCTs, the multi-modal ERAS program for optimal perioperative care may help to reduce surgical stress, maintain physiological functional capacity, and facilitate postoperative recovery by providing the best available evidence.
Furthermore the multidisciplinary group identified six important topics for future research:
Targeting preoperative optimization of the nutritional state may result in improved postoperative outcome. Structured scoring tools should be validated and implemented as part of preoperative assessment and to monitor the efficacy of nutrition therapy.
In identified patients, the feasibility and clinical significance of early-initiated postoperative nutrition support needs to be evaluated.
Dose-finding studies for both macronutrients and micronutrients are needed to answer the questions of "how to supplement patients after cardiac surgery" and "with which combination of nutrients".
To counteract the frequently occurring inflammatory response, the clinical significance of an immune-modulating component (e.g., selenium, fish oil) should be evaluated in patients with complex and prolonged surgical procedures.
Validated and reliable assessment of energy requirement in patients after cardiac surgery need to be developed.
The role trophic EN might play in the hemodynamically stable patient after initial stabilization needs further evaluation.
Valid and reliable data are urgently needed to improve the so far non-standardized clinical practice of nutrition screening, assessment, and support in patients after cardiac surgery. Although both inflammatory response and postoperative complications are predictable, clinical practice has several restrictions, limiting optimal nutrition therapy. The accurate identification of patients who benefit most from nutritional therapy presents a clinical imperative requiring validation by adequately powered clinical studies.
KEYWORDS: Cardiopulmonary bypass; Enteral nutrition; High-risk cardiac surgery; Nutrition risk stratification; Organ dysfunctions; Pharmaco-nutrition; Postoperative nutritional management; Supplemental parenteral nutrition; Systemic inflammatory response; Underfeeding
PMID: 28583157
PMCID: PMC5460477
DOI: 10.1186/s13054-017-1690-5