【新刊速递】第16期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2019
《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会的旗舰期刊,由牛津大学出版社每年发行四期,旨在发表与国际研究中重要理论性、实证性、规范性主题相关的领先学术成果。根据Journal Citation Reports的数据,2018年该期刊的影响因子为2.172。
【编译】房宇馨 张曼娜 刘瑛琛 张晋岚 刘潇昱 蔡宇
【审校】刘瑛琛 金磊 蔡宇 金琳 李源
1. Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industrial Interests Shape Domestic Positions on Global Climate Agreements
2. Make Love, Not War: Do Single Young Men Cause Political Violence?
3. Monetary Power Reconsidered: The Struggle between the Bundesbank and the Fed over Monetary Leadership
4. Legitimacy and the Cognitive of International Institutional Change: The Case of Regional Paliamentarization
5. The Dark Side of Cooperation: International Organizations and Member Corruption
6. The Cause and Effects of Leaks in International Negotiation
【题目】Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industrial Interests Shape Domestic Positions on Global Climate Agreements
【作者】Federica Genovese,英国埃塞克斯大学政府管理系高级讲师
It is usually assumed that the cost of abating pollution is the main deterrent of domestic support for international climate cooperation. In particular, it is argued that, due to the burden of pollution abatement, businesses commonly constrain governments, which then take less cooperative positions on global climate agreements. I suggest that this argument needs further qualification: pollution-related costs rarely have unconditional effects on preferences for global climate agreements. Instead, a sector’s pollution level is more likely to influence preferences for climate cooperation if mediated by its trade exposure. If pollution is high, firms in high-trade sectors may be less able to absorb climate regulation, and hence they should be more sensitive to climate cooperation. If pollution is low, firms in high-trade sectors may support climate cooperation, because by being more efficient they are more capable of adjusting to regulation. These dynamics should then affect governmental positions on global climate politics. I test my sectoral argument with original data from business statements and national communications at the United Nations climate negotiations. In line with my argument, I find that businesses in trade open sectors are more likely to oppose climate agreement as their sector’s emissions increase. I also find that in countries where high-emission sectors are open to trade governments have low preferences for climate cooperation. The findings have implications for the domestic politics of environmental agreements and the distributive politics of global public good provision.
【题目】Make Love, Not War: Do Single Young Men Cause Political Violence?
【作者】Tyler Kustra,威瑟海德国际中心与哈佛大学社会科学定量研究所访问学者
This article calls into question the theory that being single drives young men to commit political violence. It finds that, while the proportion of young men in a country has a statistically significant impact on the level of political violence in the country, whether or not these men are married has no additional impact. The result may appear to contradict the individual-level evidence that shows that young, unmarried men commit the overwhelming majority of political violence. Rebels and terrorists, however, make up only a small part of a country’s population. If participating in political violence caused young men to be single, this would have a negligible impact on a country’s proportion of single young men, thereby explaining why marital status is uncorrelated with political violence at the national level. It would also explain why the individual-level evidence shows that most terrorists and guerillas are single.
【题目】Monetary Power Reconsidered: The Struggle between the Bundesbank and the Fed over Monetary Leadership
【作者】Arie Krampf,希伯来大学讲师
This article reexamines the theory of monetary power to explain the role of the Bundesbank (and Germany) in the emergence of the rules-based low inflation regime in the late1980s and early 1990s. Our theory of monetary power draws on the notion of institutional power and the concept of monetary leadership, understood as the capacity to attract foreign investment, and thereby explains how domestic institutional features and contingent historical events affect countries’ external monetary power. This theory is employed to trace how the Bundesbank go-it-alone strategy in 1989 triggered a cross national sequence of events that changed the international monetary order in a way that was consistent with the German interests. The transition was marked by a shift from the US-led pragmatist approach of international macroeconomic coordination to a rules-based approach founded on the principle of low inflation targeting. The article argues that this change took place despite the opposition of the Fed and the US Treasury. The article contributes to the literature on the decline of US hegemonic power as well as the literature on the mechanism of institutional change at the international level. It also sheds new light on current debates about the putative decline of the rules-based world order.
【题目】Legitimacy and the Cognitive of International Institutional Change: The Case of Regional Paliamentarization
【作者】Tobias Lenz tobias,哥根廷大学全球治理与比较地区主义和汉堡德国全球与区域研究助理教授;Alexandr Burilkov,布拉格大都会大学研究员和柏林自由大学政治学教授
【摘要】合法性是如何以及在什么条件下会影响国际制度变迁的进程? 本文从合法性的一致性模式与认知模式中推导出合法性驱动制度变迁的三种机制,即制度机制、规范机制与认知机制。文章详细阐述并评价了这三种因果机制,认为认知因素是一个重要但迄今被忽视的、基于合法性的变革来源。本文利用1950年至2010年间36个区域组织建立议会机构的数据对以上三种机制进行评估。作者发现赋予超国家秘书处权力、与欧盟进行接触以及有组织的邻国朝议会化方向的发展,都增加了区域议会化的可能性。区域议会化是指一个议会机构获得正式参与区域组织决策资格的过程。文章通过案例实证表明基于认知参照的合法性判断是国际制度变迁的重要来源,合法性变化有助于解释制度变迁会在何时发生以及何种制度变迁会产生。本文以东南亚国家联盟的议会化现象为例,阐明其潜在的认知模仿机制。
How and under what conditions does legitimacy affect processes of international institutional change? We explicate three mechanisms of legitimacy-driven institutional change that we derive from two distinct models of legitimacy. This article specifies and evaluates three causal mechanisms by which variation in legitimacy induces institutional change in international organizations (IOs) and argues that an important, yet hitherto neglected, source of legitimacy-based change is cognitive in nature. Using survival analysis, we evaluate these mechanisms with a novel dataset on the establishment of parliamentary institutions in thirty-six regional organizations between 1950 and 2010. We find that the empowerment of supranational secretariats, engagement with the European Union, and parliamentarization in an organization’s neighborhood increase the likelihood of regional parliamentarization. Regional parliamentarization is the process by which a parliamentary institution acquires formalized access to participate in the decision-making of a regional organization. This suggests that legitimacy judgments that draw on cognitive referents provide an important source of international institutional change. We argue that variation in legitimacy can help to explain when institutional change occurs and what kind of institutional change will be attempted. We illustrate the underlying cognitive emulation mechanism with a case study of parliamentarization in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
【题目】The Dark Side of Cooperation: International Organizations and Member Corruption
【作者】Emilie M. Hafner-Burton,加州大学圣迭戈分校全球政策与战略学院教授;Christina J. Schneide,加州大学圣迭戈分校政治学副教授
Political corruption is rampant in—and destructive to—many parts of the world. A growing number of international organizations (IOs) claim to address the problem by encouraging good governance norms and rules, such as anti-corruption standards and practices. Whether membership in IOs dampens corruption, however, is unclear. The central argument is that the characteristics of IO membership determine both whether corruption is tolerated and the extent to which formal anti-corruption rules effectively combat the problem. First, groups of corrupt states are reticent to enforce good governance norms or rules against other IO members, rendering punishment for corruption incredible. Second, leaders may witness the value of corruption to their IO peers and learn to act the same way. Using a variety of data sources and estimation strategies, including new data on IO anti-corruption mandates, the authors demonstrate that: (1) countries that participate in member-corrupted IOs are significantly more likely to engage in corruption themselves—and experience an increase in corruption over time—than are countries that participate in less corrupt IOs; and (2) this tolerance for corruption occurs even within IOs that have adopted formal anti-corruption mandates, rendering good governance rules largely cheap talk among organizations governed by corrupt principles.
【题目】The Cause and Effects of Leaks in International Negotiation
【作者】Matthew Castle,新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学历史、哲学、政治科学与国际关系学院讲师;Krzysztof J. Pelc,加拿大麦吉尔大学政治科学系助理教授
【摘要】国际谈判以保密为基础。尽管如此,对谈判文件的非权威性泄露日渐频繁。谈判文件泄密背后的驱动因素是什么?泄密对国家间谈判的影响又是什么?特别是,泄密是进攻性的还是防御性的,也就是说,其目的在于推动各方进行更积极的决策,还是旨在收回已经做出的决策?由于贸易谈判具有反复性,其所能提供的经验证据是其他案例不可比拟的,因此本文以贸易谈判为背景考察了以上问题。为此,本文集合了此类数据库,统计了2006~2015年间120例谈判泄密的案例。作者发现,谈判泄密的案例正不断增加。泄密往往集中于新型法律条例,并不成比例地集中于防御性层面(即泄密满足了那些企图限制已做出的承诺的行为体)。世界谈判中泄密的案例中占大多数发生在欧盟。通过运用政党宣言数据(party manifesto data)跟踪欧盟内部的意识形态立场,作者发现泄露往往与欧盟政党内对经济自由化的反对有关。同时,泄密在转移公共舆论方面十分有效。针对欧盟与加拿大之间的一场谈判泄密,作者审查了这场谈判中贸易官员间的内部通信以及随后有关泄密的媒体报道。作者发现,与官方发布的谈判文本相比,泄露的谈判文本将带来更多的负面报道,即便两者内容相同。总而言之,政治行为体有策略地泄露信息,以便动员国内群众,从而使谈判结果达到他们的预期。
International negotiations are founded on secrecy. Yet, unauthorized leaks of negotiating documents have grown common. What are the incentives behind leaks, and what are their effects on bargaining between states? Specifically, are leaks offensive or defensive: are they intended to spur parties to make more ambitious commitments, or are they more often intended to claw back commitments made? We examine these questions in the context of trade negotiations, the recurring form of which affords us rare empirical traction on an otherwise elusive issue. We assemble the first dataset of its kind, covering 120 discrete leaks from 2006 to 2015. We find that leaks are indeed rising in number. Leaks are clustered around novel legal provisions and appear to be disproportionately defensive: they serve those actors intent on limiting commitments made. The European Union (EU) appears responsible for the majority of leaks occurring worldwide. Using party manifesto data to track changing ideological positions within the EU, we find that the occurrence of leaks correlates with opposition to economic liberalization within the average EU political party. Moreover, leaks appear effective in shifting public debate. We examine trade officials’ internal communications and media coverage in the wake of a specific leak of negotiations between Canada and the EU. A given negotiating text attracts more negative coverage when it is leaked than when the same text is officially released. In sum, political actors leak information strategically to mobilize domestic audiences toward their preferred negotiating outcome.