Escape From Sofa新作 | 土耳其的设计魅力

Escape From Sofa是一家满足内部设计和产品设计等各种设计需求的设计工作室,于2009年在伊斯坦布尔成立。Escape From Sofa喜欢使用新兴材料和技术,相信简单,崇尚细节。
Escape From Sofa is a design studio for residential interiors and product design, which was founded in Istanbul in 2009. Escape From Sofa likes to use new materials and technologies, believes in simplicity, and loves detail.

ManDarin Oriental 02
Escape From Sofa完成了位于土耳其Bodrum的一个酒店项目,这个项目是著名的文华东方酒店。
Escape From Sofa has completed a hotel project at the prestigious Mandarin Oriental hotel in Bodrum, Turkey.

Caddebostan House
Escape From Sofa完成了位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔一个现代轻奢的别墅项目。
Escape From Sofa has completed a modern light luxury villa in Istanbul, Turkey.

Hilton Dalaman
Escape From Sofa完成了位于土耳其Dalaman一座舒适别致的希尔顿别墅。
Escape From Sofa completes a cozy and chic Hilton villa in Dalaman, Turkey.

Beta Office
Escape From Sofa完成了位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔一个700平方米的办公室项目Beta。
Escape From Sofa has completed Beta of a 700-square-metre office project in Istanbul, Turkey.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Xran 排版 Editor:Dylan
图片版权 Copyright :Escape From Sofa