轻英文让英语变得简单有趣这首《Better Man》(更好的人)由英国歌手罗比·威廉姆斯(Robbie Williams)主唱,可以说是一首经典之作了。罗比·威廉姆斯略带低沉的旋律唱出了:因为对真爱的盼望,所以努力想成为一个更好的男人的决心。【滑动查看歌词】Send someone to love me赐我一人所爱I need to rest in arms我需要温暖臂膀Keep me safe from harm抵挡伤害In pouring rain抵挡大雨Give me endless summer赐我无尽夏日Lord I fear the cold主,我畏惧幽寒Feel I m getting old时光自指尖流逝Before my time未老先衰As my soul heals the shame羞愧自灵魂得到治愈I will grow through this pain在伤痛中蓬勃Lord I m doing all I can主,我当竭尽全力To be a better man闪耀赤子之心Go easy on my conscience不要苛责我的良知Cause it s not my fault错不在我I know I ve been taught我已将其铭刻于心To take the blame面对责难Rest assured my angels安抚我心的天使Will catch my tears将会燃尽我的眼泪Walk me out of here将会点亮我的道路I m in pain我痛苦不已As my soul heals the shame当灵魂得到救赎I will grow through this pain我会将痛苦化为养分Lord I m doing all I can尽我所能To be a better man放大内心良知Once U ve found that lover you re homeward bound一旦你发现你归去来爱人人Love is all around爱无处不在Love is all around爱磅礴洋溢I know some have fallen on stony ground我知道有人因爱碰壁But Love is all around但爱永不磨灭Send someone to love me赐我一人所爱I need to rest in arms我需要温暖臂膀Keep me safe from harm抵挡伤害In pouring rain抵挡大雨Give me endless summer赐我无尽夏日Lord I fear the cold主,我畏惧幽寒Feel I m getting old逝者如斯夫Before my time未老先衰As my soul heals the shame当灵魂得到救赎I will grow through this pain在伤痛中蓬勃Lord I m doing all I can尽我所能To be a better man点燃良知之光