雅思口语 | 必考题Job高分语料
1 be relatively highly-paid 相对更高薪
Well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relatively highly-paid. 和银行业相关的工作毫无疑问是相对更高薪的。
2 menial job 卑微的工作
Looking back at my first job, even when I was asked to do something seemingly menial,unglamorous, or very difficult, I always went all in. 回顾我的第一份工作,即便我被要求去做一些看似很卑微、单调或者非常困难的事情时,我也会全力以赴。
3 put a lot of emphasis on...侧重
Employers normally put a lot of emphasis on qualifications. 雇佣者通常侧重资格。
4 be bored out of wits 觉得无聊透顶
You can hardly do a job throughout the whole career if you're bored out of wits. 你要是觉得无聊透顶,那一份工作干到底是几乎不太可能的事了。
5 work in a state-owned enterprise 在国有企业工作
She works in a state-owned enterprise. 她在国有企业工作。
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