遍历文件夹(含子文件夹)方法:FSO 递归方法实现各种指定搜寻的完整代码
Dim jg(), k&, tms# '因为是递归,所以事先指定存放结果的公用变量数组jg以及计数器k和起始时间tms
Sub ListFilesFso()
sb& = InputBox("Search Type: AllFiles=0/Files=1/Folder=-1/All Folder=-2", "Find Files", 0) '选定返回模式
SpFile$ = InputBox("匹配文件名或文件类型", "Find Files", ".xl") '指定匹配要求,留空则匹配全部
If SpFile Like ".*" Then SpFile = LCase(SpFile) & "*" '如果指定了文件类型则一律转换为大写字母方便比较
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
If .Show Then myPath$ = .SelectedItems(1) Else Exit Sub
End With
If Right(myPath, 1) <> "" Then myPath = myPath & ""
ReDim jg(65535, 3)
jg(0, 0) = "Ext": jg(0, 1) = IIf(sb < 0, IIf(Len(SpFile), "Filename", "No"), "Filename")
jg(0, 2) = "Folder": jg(0, 3) = "Path"
'定义存放文件名结果的数组jg 、并写入标题
tms = Timer: k = 0: Call ListAllFso(myPath, sb, SpFile) '调用递归过程检查指定文件夹及其子文件夹
If sb < 0 And Len(SpFile) = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Get " & k & " Folders."
[a1].CurrentRegion = "": [a1].Resize(k + 1, 4) = jg: [a1].CurrentRegion.AutoFilter Field:=1
End Sub
Function ListAllFso(myPath$, Optional sb& = 0, Optional SpFile$ = "") '递归检查子文件夹的过程代码
Set fld = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(myPath)
On Error Resume Next
If sb >= 0 Or Len(SpFile) Then '如果模式为0或1、或指定了匹配文件要求,则遍历各个文件
For Each f In fld.Files '用FSO方法遍历文件.Files
t = False '匹配状态初始化
n = InStrRev(f.Name, "."): fnm = Left(f.Name, n - 1): x = LCase(Mid(f.Name, n))
If Err.Number Then Err.Clear
If SpFile = " " Then 'Space 如果匹配要求为空则匹配全部
t = True
ElseIf SpFile Like ".*" Then '如果匹配要求为文件类型则
If x Like SpFile Then t = True '当文件符合文件类型要求时匹配,否则不匹配
Else '否则为需要匹配文件名称中的一部分
If InStr(fnm, SpFile) Then t = True '如果匹配则状态为True
End If
If t Then k = k + 1: jg(k, 0) = x: jg(k, 1) = "'" & fnm: jg(k, 2) = fld.Name: jg(k, 3) = fld.Path
Application.StatusBar = Format(Timer - tms, "0.0s") & " Get " & k & " Files , Searching in Folder ... " & fld.Path
End If
For Each fd In fld.SubFolders '然后遍历检查所有子文件夹.SubFolders
If sb < 0 And Len(SpFile) = 0 Then k = k + 1: jg(k, 0) = "fld": jg(k, 1) = k: jg(k, 2) = fd.Name: jg(k, 3) = fld.Path
If sb Mod 2 = 0 Then Call ListAllFso(fd.Path, sb, SpFile)
End Function