
Zoologist Lucy Cooke says we infantilize pandas because they look cute.
"We don't think of them as bears," she says.
"We think of them as helpless evolutionary mishaps."
Though captive breeding programs get a lot of press, she wishes that there were more emphasis on maintaining their natural habitat.
Above, panda cubs at a conservation center in Wenchuan in China's southwestern Sichuan province.

Zoologist Lucy Cooke says humans have got it all wrong about sloths.
"People think that because the animal is slow that it's somehow useless and redundant," she says.
But in fact, "they are incredibly successful creatures."
Cooke is the founder of the Sloth Appreciation Society and the author of a new book called The Truth About Animals: Stoned Sloths, Lovelorn Hippos, and Other Tales from the Wild Side of Wildlife.

The book aims to set the record straight on some long-held misconceptions about the animal world.
"The sloth is not the only animal that's being misunderstood in this way," she says.
"I thought it was time that we rebranded the animal kingdom according to fact and not sentimentality – because we have a habit of viewing the animal kingdom through the prism of our own rather narrow existence and judging animals on our terms."
The book discusses creatures big and small, furry and slippery: eels, bats, hippos, frogs, storks, and more.
"I wanted to showcase a range of stories," Cooke says. "I wanted to show misunderstandings that date all the way from Aristotle to Disney."
She sat down to talk with us about how we are (literally) looking at sloths upside down, why Aristotle was so confused about eels, and why pandas need ambiance to get in the mood.

We are facing mass extinction of so many different species.
And I really would love it if we could appreciate animals on their terms, and respect them for what they are, and not what we want them to be. ...
I think we're choosy about what we like, and we don't like. So vultures for instance — hugely unpopular. People don't like them because they're scavengers and they're filthy. But they do an incredibly important job. ... Vulture conservationists, they can't get anybody to donate money to them. Because nobody likes them, because they look like the Grim Reaper and they eat dead things for a living. But we need them just as much as we need the pandas.
