ACC国 际 双 语 诗 刊 606期 / You Dance in His Light

ACC国 际 双 语 诗 刊

ACCInternational Bilingual poetry


Shanghai Huifeng Literature

You Dance in His Light

By John A Adam


You are a beautiful, growing splash of color

On the canvas of my life;

The Master Artist has placed you there.

You dance in His Light, and reflect it,

His colors

His art

His creativity and

His radiance, with your smile.

He has blessed you with sensitivity

To light, the Alpenglow effect…

His Light…

Perhaps the only physical entity

That is from heaven, here on earth?

Perhaps a means of bringing part

Of heaven to earth?

Whether 'tis so or no

He has given you eyes to see

His glorious majesty in this way.

You are gifted from above,

Enjoying, dancing in and being warmed by

His Light.

The glow of His love

Shining on your face.

How I love to see it…

Your friendship lights up my soul,

To set a fire I never knew was possible

Because of it

I am immersed in His love.

I drown in the love I see there.

I can do no other.

Your friendship has captured me

A reflection of His Love

That has captured me.

His Love…

A Love that will never let me go.

A Love to whom I owe

Absolute allegiance.

But from His Love, flows your friendship

For me

And mine for you.

We love because He first loved us, and

I praise Him!

Your friendship weaves its way through the depths

Of my being;

Like a stream flowing around a rock,

Not hindered by the accumulated boulders

Of my life – scattered here and there.

Temporarily diverted perhaps,

But always resuming its path

Going deeper, deeper, ever deeper

Into my heart and soul.

He has gifted you with wisdom, vivacity,

Tenderness, directness, joy, life!

This deep friendship we have is a dance:

One leads, the other follows,

And then:


Partners in a heaven-directed embrace;

Your body a temple of His Spirit and Grace,

The balance, and movement of your life

Dances across mine, and

Pulsates to a heavenly rhythm:

You listen

He speaks

You pray

He hears

He Loves

You love…

At times you move me to tears of awe and gratitude

To Him.

You are a coral rose growing into my life

From above…

Your love for Him enthralls me.

I respect you deeply,

I admire you so much…

I love you so much, dancer in His Light.

You walked into my life at His behest

And now are gracefully dancing your love

Across the stage that is my heart.

I cannot compare this profound friendship with any other I know,

Save His…

作者:约翰 亚当



Germain Droogenbroodt(比利时)

诗歌艺术顾问:Lidia Chiarelli(意大利)

荣誉顾问:Maria vnuck (美国)

国际翻译顾问:Stanley Barkan(美国)





编辑:jacek wysocki(波兰)

编辑:Mohammad Reza ghazali(伊朗)



我们期待有知之士愿为公益文化事业做贡献的翻译编辑人才以及优秀的团队合作,欢迎企业和个人赞助。 2021年2月1日




ACC Huifeng International Bilingual Poetry 

General Counsel:

Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgium)

Poetry Art Consultant: Lidia Chiarelli (Italy)

Fiction Consultant: Maria Vnuck (USA)

International Translation Consultant: Stanley Barkan (USA)

Painting consultant: Barbara (Liechtenstein)

Media consultant: Zhu Quansheng (USA)

Editor-in-chief: Annakeiko (Shanghai)

Deputy Editor-in-chief: Luofu (Taiwan)

Editor: jacek wysocki (Poland)

Editor: Muhammad Reza (Iran)

Chinese Editor: Ye Wei'an

You are warmly welcome to join in cooperation, particularly those elites and teams who enjoy superb vision and insight in translation and translation editing  endeavor and are always ready to contribute to public welfare cultural undertakings. Corporate sponsorship is mostly appreciated.

February 1, 2021


WeChat: 497944161

Mobile: 13817614426

Mailing address: Room 1604, Block No. 4, Lane 190, Tingkang Road, Huinan Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.



追求卓越 突破藩篱




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