

The ligament is completely torn and the joint is unstable. Sometimes the ligament holds and the bone to which it is attached is avulsed; this is effectively the same lesion but easier to deal with because the bone

fragment can be securely reattached.

As with a strain, the joint is suddenly forced into an abnormal position; sometimes the patient actually hears a snap. The joints most likely to be affected are the ones that are insecure by virtue of their shape or

least well protected by surrounding muscles: the knee, ankle and finger joints.

Pain is severe and there may be considerable bleeding under the skin; if the joint is swollen, this is probably due to a haemarthrosis. The patient is unlikely to permit a searching examination, but under general anaesthesia the instability can be demonstrated; it is this that distinguishes the lesion from a strain. X-ray may show a detached flake of bone where the ligament is inserted.


Torn ligaments heal by fibrous scarring. Previously this was thought inevitable and the surgeon’s task was to ensure that the torn ends were securely sutured so as to restore the ligament to its normal length. In some injuries, e.g. rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb, this approach is still valid. In others, however, it has changed; thus, solitary medial collateral ligament ruptures of the knee, even complete ruptures, are often treated non-operatively in the first instance. The joint is splinted and local measures are taken to reduce swelling. After 1–2 weeks, the splint is exchanged for a functional brace that allows joint movement but at the same time prevents repeat injury to the ligament, especially if some instability is also present. Physiotherapy is applied to maintain muscle strength and later proprioceptive exercises are added. This nonoperative approach has shown better results not only in the strength of the healed ligament but also in the nature of healing – there is less fibrosis (Woo et al., 2000). An exception to this non-operative approach is when the ligament is avulsed with an attached fragment of bone; reattachment of the fragment is indicated if the piece is large enough. Occasionally non-operative treatment may result in some residual instability that is clinically detectable; often this is not symptomatic, but if it is then surgical reconstruction should be considered.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P731


avulsed  adj. (伤口的组织等)被撕开的v. 撕脱;抽出(avulse的过去式)

reattach /rɪə'tætʃ/vt. (断肢)重新接上;再附着

snap /snæp/n. 猛咬;劈啪声;咯嗒一声;突然折断adj. 突然的

virtue /ˈvɜːrtʃuː/n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效

demonstrate/ˈdemənstreɪt/vt. 证明;展示;论证vi. 示威

fibrous scarring纤维疤痕

inevitable  /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/adj. 必然的,不可避免的

suture /ˈsuːtʃər/n. 缝合;缝合处;缝合用的线vt. 缝合

ulnar collateral ligament尺侧副韧带

collateral /kəˈlætərəl/adj. 附属的;旁系的;并行的n. 抵押品,担保品;旁系亲属

metacarpophalangeal joint 掌指关节

valid /ˈvælɪd/adj. 有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的

medial collateral ligament内侧副韧带

in the first instance首先;起初;在初审时

functional brace功能支具

proprioceptive /,prəupriəu'septiv/adj. 本体感受的

fibrosis/faɪ'brosɪs/n. [医] 纤维化,[病理] 纤维变性

residual  /rɪˈzɪdʒuəl/adj. (数量)剩余的

detectable /dɪˈtektəbl/adj. 可检测的;可发觉的

symptomatic, /ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/adj. 有症状的;症候的

symptome /'simptəum/n. 症状








