焦作市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (54)


28.1 P- Is there a procedure for ultrasonic welding?YES/NO

28.2 P- If used, are the procedures for ultrasonic welding of splices linked to general ultrasonic welding requirements?YES/NO

28.3 P- Is there a procedure for acceptance criteria for ultrasonic welded parts?YES/NO

28.4 C- Is there evidence that ultrasonic welding process is being performed in accordance with procedures?YES/NO

28.5 C- Is there evidence that operators performing ultrasonic weld splices are trained to the documented general ultrasonic welding requirements of IPC/WHMA-A-620 / customer requirements / procedures? YES/NO.

28.6 C- Is the procedure for ultrasonic welding acceptance criteria available and being followed?YES/NO

28.7 C- Is there evidence that ultrasonic welding tools are setup and used in accordance with procedures?YES/NO


29.1 P- If used, is there a procedure that defines and controls each of the following types of splices:

29.1.1 P- Soldered splices, including solder sleeve splices?YES/NO/NA

29.1.2 P- Crimp splices?YES/NO/NA

29.2 P- If used, is there a procedure for acceptance criteria of each of the following types of splices:

29.2.1 P- Soldered splices, including solder sleeve splices?YES/NO/NA

29.2.2 P- Crimp splices?YES/NO/NA

29.3 P- If used, are the procedures for soldering of splices linked to general soldering requirements?YES/NO/NA

29.4 P- If used, are the procedures for crimping of splices linked to general crimping requirements?YES/NO/NA

