Astronomy Picture of the Day——土星、土卫六、土星环和烟霾
Saturn, Titan, Rings, and Haze
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, JPL, SSI, CassiniImaging Team
Explanation: This is not a solar eclipse.Pictured here is a busy vista of moons and rings taken at Saturn. The largecircular object in the center of the image is Titan, the largest moon of Saturnand one of the most intriguing objects in the entire Solar System. The darkspot in the center is the main solid part of the moon. The bright surroundingring is atmospheric haze above Titan, gas that is scattering sunlight to acamera operating onboard the robotic Cassini spacecraft. Cutting horizontallyacross the image are the rings of Saturn, seen nearly edge on. At the lowerright of Titan is Enceladus, a small moon of Saturn. Since the image was takenpointing nearly at the Sun, the surfaces of Titan and Enceladus appear insilhouette, and the rings of Saturn appear similar to a photographic negative.Now if you look really really closely at Enceladus, you can see a hint of icyjets shooting out toward the bottom of the image. It is these jets thatinspired future proposals to land on Enceladus, burrow into the ice, and searchfor signs of extraterrestrial life.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——在木星上游泳