英语中有几个表“除了”的单词,常常让人扑朔迷离,它们分别是 besides,but 和 but for,except,except for 和 apart from;它们各有千秋,都有自己独特的用法,同时也让实际的应用变得丰富多彩。
今天小编又给这个原本就比较混乱的“除了”圈子再新增一员,那就是 along with sb/sth。
一、along with sb/sth,主要有两个意思
1. 意为“除…以外(还)“,意思相当于 in addition to,例如:
She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.
I ate some chocolates along with some fruit.
Can I get some vanilla ice cream along with that piece of pie?
The plane carried heavy radar equipment along with full fuel tanks.
2. 意为”和…一起“,相当于 together with,例如:
I can't believe he's bringing his new girlfriend along with him.
I worked along with several of my friends to finish this project on time.
He was nominated along with six other candidates.
3. 在具体的上下文中,with sb 还可以省略,例如:
I'll bring some food along (with me) and we can have a picnic.
We're going for a swim. Why don't you come along (with us)?
He's welcome to come along (with you/...), provided that he behaves himself.
二、当 along with 意为”和…一起“时,大部分情况下可以用 with 代替,这也是 with 的头等重要意思,例如:
Jane went to the mall along with David. (正确)Jane went to the mall with David. (正确)I have a client along with me right now. (正确)I have a client with me right now. (正确)A bill came along with the merchandise.A bill came with the merchandise.
三、但是反过来,大部分情况下 with 不能用 along with 代替,因为 with 的意思很多很多,是 along with 望尘莫及的,例如:
He spoke with enthusiasm. (正确)He spoke along with enthusiasm. (错误)解析:with 表示按特定的方式,而 along with 没有这个用法。She filled the bowl with water. (正确)She filled the bowl along with water. (错误)解析:with 表示用某种东西,而 along with 没有这个用法。I had an argument with my boss. (正确)I had an argument along with my boss. (错误)解析:with 意为“与…对立,反对”,而 along with 没有这个意思。
四、当涉及到类似 as well as 之类的短语时,主谓一致一直是要考虑的范围,否则只是学了冰山一角或学习方法欠妥;跟 with 或 as well as 一样,短语部分 along with 不是主语的一部分,因此它不影响句中的主谓一致,因此在翻译的时候要妥当安置此部分,例如:
California, along with Florida and Hawaii, is among the most popular US tourist destinations.译一:除了佛罗里达州和夏威夷之外,还有加利福尼亚州,它是美国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。译二:加利福尼亚州、佛罗里达州和夏威夷是美国一些最受欢迎的旅游目的地。The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.译一:除了新闻记者之外,还有这位政治家,预计他很快就会出现。您的支持最重要!!!如果您觉得这篇文章对您有帮助,请不要吝啬在右下角点“在看”和点赞。为了防止迷路,请设置为”星标“,我们将一如既往地输出更多优质的此类文章。