Definition of the border width of the four sides of the control

name DescriptionLeft [} 440] Definition of the distance from the left side to the leftside of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [} 440] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right sideof the surrounding control:· Pixels for absolute positioning· Percent for relative positioningTop [} 440] Definition of the distance from the top side to the topside of the surrounding controlTopUnit [} 440] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side ofthe surrounding control:· Pixels for absolute positioning· Percent for relative positioningRight [} 443] Definition of the distance from the right side to theright side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [} 443] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right sideof the surrounding control:· Pixels for absolute positioning· Percent for relative positioningBottom [} 443] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to thebottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [} 443] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottomside of the surrounding control:· Pixels for absolute positioning· Percent for relative positioningWidth [} 441] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [} 441] Selection of the unit of the width:· Pixels for an absolute width· Percent for a relative widthHeight [} 442] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [} 442] Selection of the unit of the height:· Pixels for an absolute height· Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [} 451] Definition of the maximum width if the control size isdefined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [} 451] Selection of the unit of the maximum width:· Pixels for an absolute value· Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [} 452] Definition of the minimum width if the control size isdefined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [} 452] Selection of the unit of the minimum width:· Pixels for an absolute value· Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [} 450] Definition of the maximum height if the control size isdefined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [} 451] Selection of the unit of the maximum height:· Pixels for an absolute value· Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [} 450] Definition of the minimum height if the control size isdefined as dynamicMinHeightUnit [} 450] Selection of the unit of the minimum height:· Pixels for an absolute value· Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [} 444] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to theleft side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [} 444] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to thetop side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [} 445] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to theright side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [} 444] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side tothe bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [} 445] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [} 445] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [} 446] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is tobe displayedGridColumnIndex [} 446] Definition of the column of a grid in which the controlis to be displayedOpacity [} 452] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [} 453] Selection of the visibility of a control:· Visible: Control is visible· Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controlsbehind it cannot be operated· Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn –controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [} 454] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [} 453] Definition of a transformation of a control:· Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction· Rotate: Rotate by an angle· Scale: Zoom by a factor· Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle· Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relativeto the position of the control· Perspective: Set the perspective of thetransformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [} 454] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [} 464] Selection of the method of calculating the width:· Value: The width is defined by the width entered.· Parent: The width is defined by the distance to theleft and right side of the parent element. The"Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!· Content: The height is defined by the width of thecontent. The "Width" attribute is ignored in allcalculations!HeightMode [} 464] Selection of the method of calculating the height:· Value: The height is defined by the height entered.· Parent: The height is defined by the distance to thetop and bottom side of the parent element. The"Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!       · Content: The height is defined by the height of thecontent. The "Height" attribute is ignored in allcalculations!Category: CommonName DescriptionIsEnabled [} 464] Selection of whether the control is enabledId [} 438] Definition of the name of the controlType [} 453] Type name of the control.ClassNames [} 439] Definition of control classesIsAttached [} 439] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [} 452] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory: BorderName DescriptionBorderRadius [} 447] Definition of the radius of the four corners to roundthem offBorderStyle [} 447] Selection of the border style of the four sides of thecontrolBorderWidth [} 447] Definition of the border width of the four sides of thecontrolCategory: Background ImageName DescriptionBackgroundImage [} 448] Definition of an image that is located above thebackground colorBackgroundImageHeight [} 449] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [} 449] Selection of the unit of the height of the backgroundimage:· Pixels for an absolute height· Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [} 448] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [} 448] Selection of the unit of the width of the backgroundimage:· Pixels for an absolute width· Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [} 449] Definition of an additional distance between theborder of the control and background image for thefour sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [} 450] Definition of the vertical alignment of the backgroundimage within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [} 449] Definition of the horizontal alignment of thebackground image within the controlEventsCategory: Frameworkame DescriptiononAttached [} 455] The control was added to the display.onDetached [} 455] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [} 455] The control was initialized.onMoved [} 458] The control was moved in relation to the browserwindow.onResized [} 458] The size of the control was changed.Category: OperatorName DescriptiononPressed [} 458] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen wasbriefly touched.onMouseClick [} 455] The left mouse button was clicked over the controland released.onMouseDoubleClick [} 455] The left mouse button was clicked twice over thecontrol and released.onMouseRightClick [} 457] The right mouse button was clicked over the controland released.onMouseDown [} 455] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [} 456] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [} 456] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [} 457] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [} 456] The left mouse button was depressed over thecontrol.onMouseDownRight [} 456] The right mouse button was depressed over thecontrol.onMouseMove [} 456] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [} 457] The mouse pointer was moved over the control orone of its children.onMouseOut [} 456] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of itschild controls.onMouseUpLeft [} 457] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [} 457] The right mouse button was released over thecontrol.onMouseWheel [} 457] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [} 458] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [} 458] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [} 458] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [} 458] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [} 459] Determines whether the control is generallyobservable.operate [} 459] Determines whether the control is generally operable.

