Warning: Some of this may only make sense to you if you've ever celebrated Christmas in Sweden.
1. You would never call a Swede at 3pm on Christmas Eve. Because Donald Duck.

Christmas is a time of family, good food and irate ducks. Photo: SVT
2. You've tried eating the meatballs before the pickled herring. And it made you the least popular person at the julbord.

In Sveeeden we have a system. That goes for the julbord too. Photo: Leif R Jansson/TT
3. Pickled herring in general. Just saying.

You even have a favourite kind of pickled herring, be it senapssill or löksill. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT
4. You know which Julkalender is the best one. Even though you've never actually seen it.

And it's probably this one. Photo: Stefan Lindblom/TT
5. You would never say påskmust is the same as julmust. You learned this the hard way.

But isn't it just the la...? No, not it's not just the label (although it is). Photo: Henrik Montgomery/Jessica Gow/TT
6. You even have a favourite brand of julmust. And it's probably the one your Swedish partner has told you to like.

Which one is your favourite? Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT
7. You have these in every window. From the First Sunday of Advent to Tjugondag Knut.

It's pretty! Photo: Gorm Kallestad/NTB Scanpix/TT
8. You know what Tjugondag Knut is. And struggle to explain it to non-Swedish friends.

So... er... it's 20 days after Christmas... and Knut is... er... Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT
9. You know the lyrics to Hej Tomtegubbar. Because you were forced to learn this Christmas drinking song and now you can't get it out of your head even if you sing Feliz Navidad ten times in a row.

10. You know that Jultomten eats rice porridge and not milk and cookies. You also know the difference between the Jultomte (Santa Claus) and the Swedish tomte (a very short and angry man who looks after your house).

11. You are able to instantly fake joy the second you unwrap your Christmas presents.Because in Sweden everyone opens their presents one by one as the rest of the family looks on (julklappsutdelning), so you don't even have a chance to let your disappointment settle before you are put in the spotlight.

We think this may not be the real Santa. Photo: Jan Collsiöö/TT
12. You know the answer to the question "Finns det några snälla barn...?" You say yes, but think no.

Are there any good children here...? Photo: Bert Mattsson/TT
Here is Sweden