

画梦人·李文特(Li Wente, the dreamer)中国著名画家,男,汉族,1989年出生于山东菏泽。中国最善于运用色彩的画家之一,被艺术界誉为中国当代色彩大师。纯色主义创始人最具代表性人物之一。作品中体现了三原色的美学观念:一生二,二生三,三生万物,万物归宗。万色也皆出自三原色,他以三原色主导画面,用最基础极纯的色彩画出了万色的既视感,以大胆、明快、简练的造型、和谐的构图以及强烈的对比性,形成了他独特的画风。

Li Wente, the dreamerOne of the most skillful painters in China is known as the master of Chinese contemporary color. One of the most representative figures of the founder of pure color. The work embodies the aesthetic concept of three primary colors: one is born two, two is born three, three is born all things, and all things belong to the family. All colors come from the three primary colors. He uses the three primary colors to lead the picture, uses the most basic and pure colors to draw the visual sense of all colors, and forms his unique painting style with bold, bright, concise modeling, harmonious composition and strong contrast.



He uses abstract and more intense colors in his works, which makes people believe that color can not only describe objects, but also express feelings. The simple and rough shape and concise use of color shocked the art world. Art critics and professors of the Academy of fine arts called him "another talented painter after Van Gogh". Li Wente, the dreamer of painting, has become one of the most famous painters in contemporary art.




Livante's oil painting "Sheng" was sold at a high price of 360000, which was collected by the German collector Mr. Jonas blanke.

About 30 of his works, such as "voice of the string", "Red Mountain", "monkey", "four girls", "sister Lake", "golden autumn", "loquat tree", "Litang Sutra tower", have been collected by Hebei collector Mr. Gao.






作品《云阳山村一》被石家庄高女士收藏。His work companion was selected into the national public welfare exhibition of ink fragrance 100 cities,

The exhibition is jointly held by Li Keran painting academy, Guangdong South China painting and Calligraphy Academy, Baishi posterity Art Museum, China International Education Television, Guangdong Southern Art Research Institute, Guangdong Folk Art Research Institute, Zhongdao International Media Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Mass Culture Development Co., Ltd. and so on, and is permanently collected by the exhibition hall.

His works such as facing the wall and thinking about the past and Shepherd were collected by Mr. Lu in Inner Mongolia.

His works "July", "dream of a child", "Peony", "she said", "autumn" and so on are collected by President Liu of Beijing

The work Yunyang mountain village one is collected by Ms. Gao in Shijiazhuang.








Rebirth, looking up at the starry sky and orange persimmon are collected by Dr. Ma, a doctor of art studies.

"Hills" and "gorgeous" are collected by Mr. Chen and Mr. Ma in Shenzhen.

Works such as lotus and winter moon are collected by Ms. Xu in Shanghai.

All 5 pieces of the anti epidemic series were collected by president Zhao of Wuhan.

His works such as small bridge and flowing water, Wulong path, under the trees of small village, spring and tulip in the mountains are collected by Hebei duanzong.

The bowl and the old man on the river are collected by Professor Li of the Academy of fine arts. Wait, wait



Another work, Chunyan, was purchased by 320000 famous Japanese critics at an exhibition, but was rejected by Li Wente. The reason is that Li Wente hated the Japanese most in his life. He was deeply saddened by the experience of the martyrs. Although art has no borders, it depends on which country. The behavior of the Japanese can never be forgiven.



Appreciation of part of Li Wente's oil paintings


Li Wente's original oil painting "etc"


Li Wente's original oil painting the catcher


Li Wente's original oil painting "corn field"


Li Wente's original oil painting "villages in the north"


Li Wente's original oil painting iris


Li Wente's original oil painting pomegranate


Li Wente's original oil painting peacock girl


Li Wente's original oil painting smoke curling up


Li Wente's original oil painting nest


Li Wente's original oil painting sister Lake


Li Wente's original oil painting Ranwu Lake


Li Wente's original oil painting "zhedoshan"


Li Wente's original oil painting Mangkang


Li Wente's original oil painting Zuo Gong


Li Wente's original oil painting "Xinduqiao"


Li Wente's original oil painting "village keeper"



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