你有能动性让3.8 对你更有意义 You have the agency to make your IWD meaningful

source: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2020/2/compilation-small-actions-big-impact-for-generation-equality


你有能动性让3.8 对你更有意义


You have the agency to make your IWD meaningful


From my perspective, the meaning of this International Women's Day is not to say some nice words, to glorify or praise women or even to "canonise" them, but to be genuinely mindful and grateful to the women, who were/are pioneers, entrepreneurs, advocates in the long fight of our gender equality future. When you realise that it comes to you, try everything you can do to achieve your agency in becoming one of them.


Every time I look at the attributes of readers who subscribe to GEO, I feel like I am speaking to an individual who is likely to be on their way to aware or has become aware of the constraints and oppression that gender inequality imposes on all people. If we are talking about just two genders, the 'discipline' that women are subjected to is even more permanent, and in some cases, seemingly well-intentioned. I would not say that this is just a concerning issue to readers who self-identify as female and aware of this; I am sure self-identified male readers also have women around them who they care for, whether they are loved ones, teachers or students.

screenshot of my readers' gender attributes


In the name of achieving gender equality, why not do something for them with love? It does not have to be today, does not have to be only once, the action could be every day, every lovely moment, you are willing to choose a real passionate life with a practice of the idea—— “each for equal”.


If you have not yet got any ideas of what you can do, consider this website: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2020/2/compilation-small-actions-big-impact-for-generation-equality  In my post today, I choose 3 from the 12 small actions with big impact.

1. 用行动表示你的关心,问她今天你可以做点什么让她休息放松下





以家庭会议的方式开始讨论 确定照料的需求和家庭责任。





2. 对性别歧视和性骚扰采取零容忍的态度,只要看到就指出来,请对方改正!



通过公开对话,去挑战陈旧的性别观念,如 "女人应该知道自己的位置 "(你以为你生活在霸总小说里吗?)和 "不要再情绪化"(你是机器人还是反社会、或者是个死人?据我所知,这三种是没有情绪的)、"我这是为了你好,女孩子不用这么辛苦"(翻白眼)、"我负责赚钱养家,你负责貌美如花"(此处请容许我呕吐一会,倒胃口的男性凝视)。

在参与对话时,要了解事实,以便下次有人发表类似 "工资差距是个迷思!"(即男女有别,可以不同工同酬)的言论时,你可以站起来摆事实、讲道理,纠正这种错误的、过时的信息。







Relevant bilingual stories:


1贝塔说「斯斯」Beita says Sisi #VisionaryWomen #ChooseToChallenge 「中英双语」  (2021-3-8)

Roy说「姥姥」Roy says Laolao #VisionaryWomen #ChooseToChallenge 「双语」  (2021-3-8)

阿萍说「姑妈、鲁西西和张桂梅」#VisionaryWomen #ChooseToChallenge 「中英双语」  (2021-3-8)

Relevant stories and posts (for now just) in Chinese:


第五年在3.8节谈“女性” |MIU论 (2021-3-8)

This is my fifth year of talking about 'women' on IWD. I mentioned J.K. Rowling in my post (clearly, my English name Hermione was inspired by reading her books). I also ask my readers to think about what they think IWD is for.

深刻影响我们的女性 #ChooseToChallenge  #IWD2021 (2021-3-7)

This is my regular Sunday conversation podcast with two friends/colleagues. This time we mentioned at least 9 women who have influenced ourselves. Some of them have English Wikipedia pages. Feel free to check.

这周日见面吧!#ChooseToChallenge     (2021-3-3)

This is my promotion of the IWD event I tried to organise last Sunday afternoon. No one registered for it, but I still made it happen in alternative ways. Some of the stories will be shared on my social media page.

我想挑战你:说出3-8个你读到过或见过的有远见的女性,分享她们激励你的点/故事   (2021-3-1)

Align with the IWD2021 theme, and I challenged my readers to nominate 3 to 8 visionary women that they read or met in their worlds by sharing the inspirations.

Feel free to find me on Facebook (Hermione Miao) or Instagram (@my_blue_marble) for the latest update or share your stories with me.

