“流行语”在英文中叫 buzzword/meme,我从一名英语学习者的角度解读一下这 10 条 buzzwords/memes 的英文表达,咱们一起从中儿学点英文。
⚠️ 以下翻译都并非唯一的、标准的答案,只供大家参考。也希望大家多多斧正、分享和补充。
1. 命运共同体
简易版:We are family.
习语版:We are in the same boat. (强调是我们面对的是同样的困境)
马丁路德金的著名演讲 I Have a Dream 中有这样一段:
For many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize thattheir destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.
想表示“命运共同体”,我们就可以说: Their destiny is tied up with our destiny; and their freedom is inextrably bound to our freedom.
2. 锦鲤
简易版:Koi,“锦鲤”这种鱼的直译; Lucky dog,即“幸运儿”。
习语版:There IS such thing as a free lunch! 谁说天下没有免费的午餐!
实用口语版:xx hit the jackpot!(hit the jackpot 表示“中了头彩”)
3. 店小二
这句话来自“政府干部要努力做好‘店小二’”,“店小二”在这里可以直接理解为“人民公仆”,即 public servant。
“店小二”有些谦卑的意味,我们可以说成 a humble servant——老布什去世时,奥巴马的悼文中就写到“America has lot a patriot and humble servant in George Herbert Walker Bush。”
根据语境,“做好店小二”可以直接说成 Serve people like a waiter/waitress。或者好玩一点,借用茶馆中的“茶博士”,把“店小二”说成 tea doctor。《经济学人》在开设中国新专栏时,专栏作家就说他想做一位“店小二”:
Long ago, in a spirit of teasing respect, teahouse waiters were dubbed “tea doctors”. To be a tea doctor, patiently serving while patrons talk, seems a good ambition for a China columnist. Stoke the stove, then. To work.
4. 教科书式
教科书式 xxx 和英文的 textbook 完美对应,textbook 可以作为形容词表示“典型的”。
比如“教科书式现象”就可以说成 a textbook case/example;“教科书式执法”可以说成 a textbook law enforcement。
5. 官宣
简直是送分题啊!Official Statement 即可。
6. 确认过眼神
1. 确认过眼神,我遇上对的人。Your eyes tell me that you are the one.
2. 确认过眼神,你是广东人。You are from Canton! The amount of lucky money is a dead giveaway.
另外,还可以用外国小孩玩的游戏 I spy 卖萌造句:I spy with my little eye...
7. 退群
也是送分题,leave a group 即可。或者学学 Brexit(Britain exit),造一个 Grexit (Group Exit)。口语中可以直接说 I'm in (我加入),I'm out (我退出)。
8. 佛系
去年年末我写过“佛系青年”的英文怎么说?里面提到“佛系青年”可以说成 Buddha-like youngsters。皮一点也可以说成 I-don’t-give-a-damn/fuck style。
9. 巨婴
可以直接说成 gaint infant,武志红老师的《巨婴国》英文就译成了 A Country of Giant Infants。《纽约时报》曾做过这样的报道:
Chinese people have “giant infant” syndrome, says Wu Zhihong, a psychiatrist and author of a best-selling book called “A Country of Giant Infants” who lists symptoms that call to mind a grown-up “little emperor.”
也可以说成 Mama's boy。《生活大爆炸》中的 Howie 可以说是一个巨婴了,他在剧中说过这样一段话:
因此我们也可以把巨婴解释为 someone who can't cut the apron strings,表示过于依赖他人,无法独立做主。
10. 杠精
“杠精”可以解释为“people who argue for the sake of arguing”,我想到了这样几个词:
contrarian,即“故意与众不同的人”,a person who takes an opposite or different position or attitude from other people。
有时候抬杠是为了更好的讨论,这种情况下的“杠精”叫 devil's advocate。
· 双十一,皮一下!